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The two kilometre stretch between the ring of standing stones and the surrounding facilities was a flat expanse of magic-blasted ground. There was no trace of the town that had once occupied the space, only red barren dirt.

The standing stones had been inert since the blast that had wiped out the town a year earlier, until the arrival of Rufus, Taika and an army of messengers. The facilities were abuzz with activity as the various groups watching the circle were deciding on a course of action. The Cabal were the first to act, sending out one man in a four-wheel-drive. The vehicle was caked in red dust and looked forty years old, but solid, like it would still be running in another forty.

Boris and the messengers had been floating in the air since their arrival. Rufus and Taika had dropped to the ground with varying levels of grace. The pair wandered out of the standing stones to meet the vehicle while Boris floated down to join them.

“This could be complicated, bro,” Taika said to Boris. “I think us showing up will be a big deal.”

“I am unfortunately inclined to agree,” Boris said. “I know the man approaching. I will attempt to simplify our situation in the short term, although we’ll all have to face the ramifications in time.”

“Simplify how?” Rufus asked.

“Our first move needs to be reaching Jason’s territory. The major complication with that is his territory is on the other side of the planet.”

“I thought you said we were arriving in Jason’s homeland,” Rufus said.

“This is Jason’s homeland,” Boris said. “But, in his absence, politics have left it a less than welcoming place for him. Or, by association, us.”

“Will they know we’re related to him?” Rufus asked.

“Magic is new to this world,” Boris said. “When major magical events happen, Jason Asano’s involvement will always be in the top three guesses. You and I, Mr Remore, just emerged from Jason’s big magic circle with Jason’s big brown friend. There is little point trying to hide the connection.”

“I’m not sure I can be called big around a bunch of nine-foot angels,” Taika said.

The car pulled up and the driver got out. He was silver-rank and looked human, but his aura was not that of an essence user. He was large, not just tall but muscular, with a loose tan shirt, khaki shorts and brown work boots. He had a wide-brimmed hat and a leathery tan that suggested a lot of time in the sun.

“Boris Ketland, you sneaky bugger,” he called in a thick Australian accent. “I don’t know if anyone won the pool on you. A bloody angel? Who’d guess that, you skirt-chasing sleazebag?”

Boris chuckled, holding out his hand for the man to shake.

“It’s good to see you, Bruce. I’m hoping your presence here can smooth things out.”

“I wouldn’t go pinning your hopes on smooth, mate. You’ve right kicked the hornet’s nest. Showing up with these two blokes and a divine host at your back? Some bloody powerful people just got woken up.”

Boris nodded.

“I guessed as much. Anyway, Bruce Montgomery, allow me to introduce Taika Williams and Rufus Remore. Taika, I’m sure you know of already. Rufus has yet to learn any Earth languages.”

“Yeah, facial recognition pegged Taika the moment he brushed the dirt off his face. Had bit of a rough landing, mate?”

“The trip was a bit rough,” Taika said as he shook Bruce’s hand. “What was that about a pool?”

Bruce laughed.

“In the Cabal,” he said, “none of the human members ever turn out to be human. There’s always a pool on anyone who hasn’t shown their true colours.”

“It’s generally not polite to ask,” Boris said, “but Bruce here is an ogre. Or so he says.”

“Oh, don’t you bloody start,” Bruce said.

“I think he rigged the pool,” Boris said. “I think he’s not an ogre but three humans in a big coat.”

“Where would I even get a twelve-foot coat?” Bruce asked. “And you've seen me in my real form. You bought me those stretchy purple pants, you cheeky sod.”

Boris let out a chuckle.

“Can you get us to Europe, Bruce?” he asked. “Or keep everyone off us until we get there?”

“Europe’s tricky, mate. All you’ll find there are vampires and Asanos, and I assume you’re not looking for vampires. People want to ask you all some fairly pointed questions, and I don’t know they’ll let you hit Asano territory before answering them.”

“Given the power at my command,” Boris said, “they’ll have to throw a lot at us if they want to force the issue. My gold-rankers can each handle any two of the ones they have here. And I can handle a lot more than two.”

“And you’ll fight if it comes to that?” Bruce asked.

“We are entirely capable of fighting our way across the planet,” Boris said. “It would, however, be something of a pain. That being said, I think my non-winged companions have had enough of uncomfortable rides. I imagine they would prefer an aeroplane over being carried halfway around the Earth like a mouse in an eagle’s claws.”

“Well,” Bruce said, “you’re at least five steps above me in the Cabal hierarchy, so if you say we’re telling everyone else to back off, I guess that’s what we’re doing. I don’t think they’ll push, but if you had some kind of bone we could throw the other factions, that would go a long way.”

“Promise them spirit coin farming techniques. That will be valuable now the magic levels on Earth are rising.”

Bruce let out a low whistle.

“Yeah, that’ll do it. Everyone’s been trying it, but only the Yanks have had any success.”

“Meaning that everyone but the US is going to be happy with us, and the Americans will hate us.”

“Yep. You’ve never done things by halves, have you, Boris? Even before you showed up with an army of angels.”

“We’re not actually angels,” Boris explained. “We’re called messengers.”

“Doesn’t ‘angel’ mean messenger in Greek or Latin or some such?”

“Close enough, but we’re definitely not the messengers of God, Bruce.”

“Who are you the messengers of, then?”

“The will of the cosmos,” Boris said. “It’s a load of crap. Religion mixed up with racial supremacy.”

“So… pretty much angels, then.”

Boris let out a groan.

“It’s definitely what they’re going to call us, isn’t it?”

“Yep,” Bruce said. “Magic has made things wonky enough when it comes to religion. You lot turning up might start a holy war or three.”

Boris let out a weary sigh, then set his shoulders with determination.

“That’s tomorrow’s problem,” he said. “Right now, the priority is getting our travelling companions to safety. I don’t want any of the silver-rankers getting caught up if some golds decide to attack us. Jason Asano will not be happy if anything happens to them, and he is not a man to cross, regardless of how much power you have.”

“Is he showing up too?” Bruce asked.

“Not anytime soon,” Boris said.

“He and the grim reaper are fighting a giant space bird,” Taika said. “It’s going to take a while.”

“What?” Bruce asked.

“I’ll tell you later,” Boris said. “Right now, we need to get to somewhere secure. One of Jason Asano’s domains will do for a start and I’d appreciate it if we got moving before the other factions try something foolish.”

“Yeah, fair enough,” Bruce said. “It’ll take me a bit to sort out the plane, but I think we can fit you all in the Cabal cafeteria.”

“That’s a big cafeteria, bro. Let’s go; I haven’t had a dagwood dog in a year.”

“You actually eat those things?” Boris asked.

“Yeah, bro. You’ve got to have a daggy every now and again.”


The Cabal managed — more or less legitimately — to secure two massive passenger jets. While doing so, they also negotiated to have the other factions to leave the group alone, at least for the moment. The negotiations went smoothly for the most part, aside from one small incident.

A gold-ranker from the United States arrived via portal and was arrogant for exactly as long as it took him to sense Boris’ aura. Seeing a gold-ranker scamper away with his tail between his legs successfully quieted the others, although Boris knew it would lead to problems down the line. If he and his people were seen as a threat, the world powers would eventually attempt to eliminate it.

For the now, however, they were allowed to go on their way. The silver-rank messengers shrank down to fit human-sized plane seats while Boris and the other gold-rankers flew alongside as escorts. The planes landed at a joint operations military base outside of Nitra, Slovakia.

The region was one of the few footholds of non-vampire power in Europe, due to the presence of Jason’s domain. As with the other domain in France, the one in Slovakia was the centre of a zone high in magic. This affected the sunlight, making it more dangerous to vampires.

The military base featured actual cooperation between the various magical factions and government allies. In most places that was political fiction, but the people fighting the war understood that the vampires were the real enemy. The base abutted Jason’s domain, even partly existing within it. The boundary was marked by numerous warning signs and an actual black and yellow line painted onto the concrete.

Rufus and Taika disembarked the planes first, joined by Boris and the other gold-rankers hovering just over the ground. They were met at the painted boundary line by two people. One was a bronze-rank woman with Eastern European features and a prim business suit. The other was a middle-aged Japanese man with dark green fatigues and a sword at his hip. He was silver-rank and, like the woman, had an aura marked by monster core use.

“Keti,” Taika greeted. “What are you doing here?”

“My Network branch in Australia was broken up,” Ketevan Arziani said. “I was offered a position assisting the Asano clan matriarch.”

“Yumi hired you?” Taika asked. “She always was smart.”

“Let’s go see her, then,” Ketevan said. “She’s waiting for you.”

Taika shook hands with the Japanese man before they set out.

“Good to see you, Shiro.”

“And you,” Shiro Asano said. “You got strong.”

Taika grinned.

“Bro, you have no idea.”


Boris, Rufus and Taika sat across from Yumi Asano, Jason’s paternal grandmother. She had come to magic late in life but her flesh warping powers had restored her youth, giving her the same mid-twenties appearance as the people sitting across from her. She was flanked on one side by her son, Hiro, who looked twice as old as his mother. On the other side was Ketevan. Yumi turned her gaze to Rufus.

“I recognise you from my grandson’s recordings, Mr Remore. Before we begin, let me thank you for being a teacher and a friend to him when he was in desperate need of both. I'm told that you can understand me, even without speaking my language.”

“I am use translation magic,” Rufus said. “It is wobble when not soul.”

“Translation magic that’s externally applied instead of an inherent power isn’t excellent, I’m afraid,” Boris said. “He’ll grasp the basics, but it would be best to keep our speech simple so he can follow effectively.”

“I am thank nice for your mouth noise,” Rufus said.

“He’ll pick up the languages here very quickly,” Boris assured Yumi.

“I have no doubt,” Yumi said. “Our silver-rankers have excellent memories, so I’ve had them all learning multiple languages. It’s been very useful. Now, tell me about my grandson.”

“He gave me a recording,” Taika said. “A bunch of them, actually, but this one is for you.”

Taika took a recording crystal from the dimensional pouch at his waist.

“Do you have a projector?” he asked.

Yumi nodded at Ketevan who got up and went to a panel on the conference room’s wall. Cloud stuff rose from the table and formed a small recording crystal projector.

“This is cloud palace?” Rufus asked.

“Jason’s domains have inherited many properties from his cloud palace,” Boris said. “A welcome side effect of binding the palace more closely to his soul until it became a palace itself.”

“You seem to know a lot about Jason,” Taika said, giving Boris a suspicious look.

“I’m part of a magical faction on Earth,” Boris told him. “Finding out about Jason Asano is at the top of all our to-do lists. I just happen to be better at it than everyone else.”

Taika’s narrowed eyes lingered on Boris for a moment before he turned back to the task at hand. He placed the crystal in the projector and a recording of a haggard Jason shimmered into being above the table. He was on the balcony of a tree house in a cloud chair, a forest panorama spanning out behind him.

“Hello grandmother,” he said. “I know you won’t let anyone do anything until you’ve wrung answers to all your questions out of them, so let me tell you what I’ve been up to since we last met.”


In a luxurious guest suite, Rufus listened to an oddly non-magical recording device.

“Hello,” a woman’s voice came from the device. “I would like to buy a meat pie.”

“Hello,” Rufus repeated. “I would like to buy a meat pie.”

As the recording repeated the sentence, Rufus plucked a lolly from a huge bag of them and popped it into his mouth. He was sitting on the floor in front of a coffee table scattered with language-learning materials and a five-kilo sack of mixed lollies.

“I would like to buy a meat pie,” he mumbled while chewing on the sugary goodness.

There was a knock on the door and Rufus pressed on the tablet to make it stop. Deciding he’d probably got it right, he went to the door and opened it. On the other side was a bronze-rank woman and Rufus saw a resemblance with Jason.

“Hello, Mr Remore. I recognise you from my brother’s recordings. I’m Erika Asano.”

“Hello,” the recording behind him said. “I would like to buy a meat pie.”

Erika raised her eyebrows as Rufus turned to scowl at the tablet.

“Help?” he asked.

He moved out of the door and she stepped through. She walked over to the coffee table and tapped the tablet to pause the language program.

“Thank you,” Rufus said and waved her into an armchair while he took another.

Like all the buildings in Jason’s domain, this one was comprised of cloud material masquerading as other things. The furniture didn’t hide it very well, having the familiar impossible plushness.

“How is my brother, Mr Remore?”

“Call me Rufus.”

“Alright, Rufus. How is my brother?”

“Good,” Rufus said. “Was bad. Very bad. Got help.”

“I understand your mother is his therapist?”

Rufus creased his brow, not understanding.

“There-a-pissed?” he asked.

Erika thought it over a moment.

“Mind healer,” she said and realisation dawned on Rufus’ face. He nodded.

“Jason is fragile,” he said, tapping his temple. “Up here. Comes back stronger, though. Different, but stronger.”

“Yes, he does,” Erika said. “But he’s alright now? I’m told he’s off fighting some war with the grim reaper?”

“With the Reaper, yes. Strange things. Jason things. We all would like to help, but sometimes Jason things. Not easy to accept.”

“No,” Erika agreed. “Not easy to accept. I’m also told that you are here to what? Train my daughter?”

“Yes,” Rufus said. “Learn language first.”

“You’ve come a long way for someone who didn’t speak any English two weeks ago.”

“Thank you.”

“That doesn’t mean I’m going to let you take over my daughter’s education. Why should I even consider doing that?”

“My family runs a school.”

“A school for warriors. I don’t want my daughter to be a warrior.”

“Not warriors. Teach to fight, yes, but also teach to not fight. Your child will have power. Those with power can choose peace, but peace not always choose them. Will not train warrior, but will teach. Will make ready.”

“Ready for what?”

“For everything.”


Jason’s domain in France covered most of what had once been the city of Saint-Etienne. Each of the two domains contained an astral space, and each astral space contained a wondrous magical city. Like the new brightheart city, these had far more space than population to fill them.

After using the portal linking the Slovakian domain to the French, Rufus and Taika took a second portal into the French astral space. In the populated part of the city, Rufus felt oddly at ease. Most of the population were refugees from around the world who had been affected by transformation spaces. No longer human, they were a multiplicity of other species that reminded Rufus of home.

They took a small dirigible from the massive docking tower the portal left them in, the airship flying itself into the city. It landed atop the arena-sized main training facility for the Asano clan.

“I’m a little nervous,” Rufus admitted. “I’m not sure my English is good enough.”

“Bro, let me take you to a pub back in Australia. Then you’ll see your English is just fine.”

Taika led them into the building and down several sets of stairs. They went into a gymnasium-sized room with all manner of exercise equipment set out. It ranged from mundane gymnastic setups like parallel bars to obviously magical devices with floating components.

There was one occupant in the room who dismounted from the uneven bars at their entry, making a smooth landing. She was in her early teens, wearing tracksuit pants and a faded Airwolf t-shirt. She jogged up to them and hugged Taika.

“This is him?” Emi asked, looking Rufus over.

“This is him,” Taika said.

Emi continued to look Rufus up and down, finally nodding as she made some kind of internal decision.

“I think you looked better bald,” she told him.

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Beep Chirp Whirr

Thanks for the chapter! Have a great weekend!


Great to see Emi again. Hopefully she and Rufus will get along well enough


I would like to buy a meat pie! 😆😆😆




Emiiiiii!! I missed the lil smart ass

Chuck Haeberle

I am thank nice for mouth noise. Oh but he got mentioning that his family runs a school right first thing!


It would be weird showing up to a whole new world and have people who not only knew of you, but judged your decisions lol. Like, a serious mindtwist.

Jarrett Mahon

Thanks for the chapter have a good weekend y'all


Tftc! I bet Rufus was happy that nobody pulled out a shot glass when he said, "My family runs a school." I wonder how long it'll take for the Earth people to start doing that, though -- because you know they will once they learn about it!


First thing Rufus can say without need for translation: "My Family runs a school" Emi scores a critical hit on first contact ^ ^ Didn't Farrah already leave the Network with instructions for Spirit Coin farming and also set some up beyond the spot in France that got subsumed into Clan Asano?


I forgot for a moment how similar her filter is to Jason.


So many unanswered questions, like did Garry i mean Barry (no relation) get to use his Annual Leave?


I've said it before I'll say it again. I'm totally down for an Emi, Shade, Stash, Taika spinoff. Maybe add in Emir's grand daughter. Send them to Dawn's parent's galactic empire and let's go!!!


Well, I imagine info from a being thats billions of years old would be MUCH more efficient than info from a twenty-something who wasnt even specialised in that area. Plus, that was just to the Network. Boris offered it to every one of the factions to simmer em down.

Tyler S.

This was beautiful


I'm so thankful Rufus just got to go straight to the family instead of fighting to get there.

Nick Pincus

Love that Rufus is speaking broken English and still the first thing he learned is how to say " my family runs a school"


Mate I have been away from Australia for over 4 years and I can say with all honesty that "I want to buy a meat pie" resonated with me


There is *no way* Jason did not tell Erika to take a shot every time Rufus says "My family runs a school." Seriously. It has to be in his video to her. 100%. You missed a major chance for some hilarity. I suggest a minor edit!

Lars-Fabian Goll

Tyftc! I wonder if Rufus will do the Essence Rituals with her and what she actually ends up as..

Anthony Moreno

Right when Rufus was accepting change 🤣.

Kevin Anderson

I'm disappointed that Erika did not pull out a shot glass.... Lol. Great chapter!


I want Hiro and Rufus to spar so badly. Let earth finally understand what a true swordsman is.


“You look better bald” could’ve been a good runner for chapter title


Amazingly good chapter


Gotta explain that. Google just wants to sell me one when I look it up


A meat pie is an Australian snack/food/junk food. It is basically a pie filed with beef and gravy. Basically all Australian kids grow up eating them regularly and they are also a staple for lunch for laborers.




That’s just mean 🤣 Personally I’m hoping for Rufus to have cornrows after the timeskip though 😅


Man what a great chapter, seeing rufus and taika back on earth and rufus learning english has to be one of the more funnier moments so far!! Not to mention you know rufus and his fmaily run a school right! Had to stop and take a shot!


I want Rufus to be in Mr. Miyagi voice the entire time he is on earth.

Daniel Wills

Hiro is the uncle, right? I think you mean Shiro? Rufus could take the whole Japanese Asano clan, I’d bet.

Alex Schellenberg

Yeah, but he would only come in part way through the season and then with a watermelon blocking his face for a bit.


I think I missed Emi the most. I can't wait to read her training program. What are her essences, I don't remember the sets Jason gave her.

Alex Schellenberg

They were traveling or in hiding for a bunch of the time. It's possible she never got around to it.

Alex Schellenberg

This chapter was golden. Plus I would love to see Boris 1v4 the American Gold rankers.


You wont understand the power and majesty of the Australian Meat Pie until you've had one. its the real national treasure/dish


Probably told Erika to give him a freebie in his learning the language phase


Cheers for the chapter


Love the chapter, it has the feeling of a story wind down. Like it’s end of a great series and your giving us closure but I know your not. Also Emi just attacking like that is wrong but right? She will be Rufus’s mind healer. She will be what he needs to accept losing Gary.

Anthony Sebastian

I don't mean for this to take away from how excellent this chapter is but, man, I'm so sad Emi will never meet Gary.

Daniel Delatorre

They never specified what essences specifically just that the one he had originally picked was to keep her and others safe and not fight monsters

Carl Gherardi

She promised to do so. She spent a lot of time not long after fixing the grid and pushing "the Hurin method" of advancement, followed by a vampire uprising then a network civil war. I think her not getting to it is excusable :)


I don't think Rufus is ready for Emi. Rufus had a hard time training Jason because he already understood the lessons and let's face it Emi is way smarter than Jason.

Carl Gherardi

Do you think we have any subtle hints on what Emis essence combo will be? She's going to end up married to Clive, so Rune, magic and ... technology(?)

Zachary Blevins

I would’ve liked to seen the message to his grandmother that was the perfect opportunity to deliver a recap in the main characters own words to his grandmother


I don't know about anyone else, but I really wanted Erika to pull out a shot glass and pour herself a drink when Rufus said his family runs a school.


Of course Rufus would make sure to learn how to say that his family runs a school in English XD

Kevin Anderson

Yes, but is she a gamer? I think that was one of the big keys to Jason's success.


Yeah I would especially have liked it if he said what his expectations were for his messengers he freed and what she should do with them

Richard Bonds

Great chapter! I wasn't sure how I was going to feel about the return to Earth, but I'm actually kind of excited! Erika, tho...even this brief interaction reminded me how much I was annoyed at her by the end of book 6. Like, wishing Farrah would give her an extremely stern talking to, punctuated with a well-intentioned smack to the back of the head for good measure, kind of annoyed.


This really would be a wise start to the next book. Cheap and easy exposition justifying a catchup for everyone in story and out

David Fletcher

Yeah. I’m not looking forward to the stupidity of the earth factions and governments.


Yes, but she is ultimately an amateur working on what she more or less understands from her world. Boris knows how to do it on Earth with first hand knowledge.

David Fletcher

I wouldn’t be surprised if she just stopped trying to help with how often she and Jason were betrayed or flat out attacked.

Alex Schellenberg

It's been a year and Jason said he saw a something in her aura that might mean she would be ready soon. She might be ready now


He's totally going to shave it off again just to keep Mini-Jason appeased


Rufus is learning English from Australians. Will Heath have to figure out how to do an Australian Rufus voice for the audio book?


He learned Runs a school and Jason is a freak in 2 weeks lol


Probably got denied by other Gordon for not giving 2 weeks notice of request and improperly filled out request form


Tyftc! Taika is a breath of fresh air. I hope that we get to keep up with him back on earth. That’s all fun and everything, but I wanna full chapter of GAB fighting and being more human than they have ever been portrayed. Can’t wait to see what’s next.


Turns out Dawn is actually Leia and her parents ruling the empire are Anakin and Padme, this being an alternate timeline. Then we go into a Star Wars crossover. Wouldn’t be the weirded thing to happen in this story


of course he knew “my family runs a school” perfectly


We see why Jason was so frustrated with her. She's dead set that her daughter doesn't need to know how to fight at all despite knowing what's out there


He sent the US Gold running scared, a Boris fight would be grand!

Alex Schellenberg

All the more reason for them to all come for him. Their pride as essence users and their numbers would goad them on.


I don't see that happening. I know once age gets high enough age differences matter less, but she's 13 or 14 and Clive is I think around 30. For those ages that's a huge age difference.


Let Rufus enjoy it while he can, Emi will take care of the shots soon enough.


that'll be a whole chapter when she picks her essences and then her mother finds out it wasn't what she wanted for her...


Aight, now I’m jonesing for whatever a dagwood dog is! TFTC!


Please no more earth.


I was kind of disappointed that Erika didn't say "Oh Carp!" And take out a shot of kale drippings in a shot glass


Omg omg omg. Okay new favorite chapter. The angel bit was absolutely hilarious. Rufus and the guys getting back to Earth is such a powerful moment. Rufus becoming a teacher to Emi and him being around Jason's family is heartwrenchingly touching. The fact that Rufus is going to be her trainer is perfect. I love the moments represented in this chapter so much. Thanks for making that happen!!


I loved most of the earth arc. Can’t wait for the vampire war.

chris kizziah

I look forward to the conversation between Taika and uncle Hiro. Taika is not the same fighter that left Earth and I can’t wait for it to show


lol I hate earth. I skip all the earth stuff when I listen. Books 4-6

Sean C Jackson

Hiro is Jason's uncle, he's not a Swordsman at all, I think you mean the former head of the Japan line of the Asano clan whose name I can't remember, and yes Rufus would take apart, though not necessarily because he's so much better of a Swordsman than him but more because the people from Pallimustus are better at leveraging their superhuman attributes.

Scott McCarthy

I half wish Taika had inserted that they are just "Angel shaped plants" when Boros and Ogre guy were discussing what he is...


The beauty of how you used simple language to drive home the point that Erika doesn’t understand or trust her bother was masterclass. I hope that that conversation and what Rufus had to say stays with her.


These chapters really turn the day around in the best way :)


You know damn well that's the only line jason taught him before they left lol


Doesn't mean he doesn't take input. I hated the earth stuff, but loved the character building. I loves the stuff that happened I guess, just didn't like all the whining. Which this earth filler will likely not have.


Eh, why? I thought it was very well done. The contrast between people who have an inherent understanding of power in a violent world and the people who are struggling to adapt because of the extreme peace they grew up in is satisfying. Not to mention emi, who'll be trying to find her place in a world in transition


If I remember correctly, most get it at 15-16, and I can be as late as 19 as in Rufus' case. Emi should be 14 now


That's the truth! Ruffus is going to be like by all the gods I've been cursed with a teenage female version of Jason. I hope she isn't going to become some .gpd-like being too, one of them is too many as is.


Ah, I'm looking forward to that. Teenage rebellion but with vast cosmic power


Yeah, chronologically 16, but physiologically 14 1/2 or 15. Jason’s soul space supposedly did a number on her development

Michael Hawkins

Bro Jason sent Rufus, who's family runs a school, across the cosmos through the astral to teach his niece, how are you not stoke for Rufus teaching emi

Scott McCarthy

From Australians in eastern Europe. Some of those teaching aids might be locally sourced... so a mix of Rufus, Australian and Checkeslovakian accents.


I need more Boris in my life. I didn't think we'd ever see a messenger with redeeming qualities before him.

David Cooper

Where in the hell would she get a vintage Airwolf shirt?


Thank you shirt. A fantastic chapter. It has reinvigorated me for the story. Also really love the simple statement. "For everything". I really can feel Rufus saying it and meaning every part of it. ❤️


Thanks for the chapter Shirt

Rowdy Robby

Thank you Shirt. This might be my 3rd favorite epilogue chapter behind Stache buying biscuits and Stache with the stuffed animal Stache.

Rowdy Robby

I have no clue what that could should like. But I'm sure it wouldn't be a problem for Heath.


Thanks for the earth chapter I think I really needed that


I saw “5kg bag of lollies” and my brain conjured images of Fat Thor… please no haha


Bro Emi is one of the best characters hands down aren't you exited she is finally back. Also we now get to see how Rufus is going to react to Earth and how earth will react to Rufus. Also we will potentially get to see Emi trained in to a serious bad ass. The fact that she was on the balance beams shows that she hasn't slaked and is ready to shine. How can you not be exited.

Daniel is ŁØNE

4v1 is not a fair fight........for them. I'm fairly certain that with his level of experience, it would take a squad of 6-10 standard gold rankers to even make him sweat. Boris is pretty much a Diamond rank mastery individual who refuses to ascend to diamond, his level of mastery is leagues above all the earth golds combined.

Daniel is ŁØNE

Like honestly it's the immense level of stupidity that pisses me off the most, after all the shit that happened when Jason came back to earth she should be one of the few people in the world who get that it is best to have the strength to hold unto your peace, better to be a warrior in a garden than a gardener in a war. It's especially irritating because the stability and position that their clan has is only because of the immense influence caused by the fear that people have toward the return of JASON ASANO so you would think his family members would understand the importance of power in sustaining peace. If Jason's territories didn't exist and he wasn't the boogeyman of Earth to a degree She and her daughter would be significantly less safe. It's almost like she is trying to tempt fate by insisting on not having her daughter be capable.


Ruthless! Thanks!


I'm so happy for the return to Earth, books 4-6 were amazing and I've been looking forward to more faction wars plus the vampire war. Great chapter!


He does fit the miyagi profile. But for some reason when I read it I Get more of an impression of Master Yoda training the young Luke. Maybe it's just the wording

Philipp Battenberg

I think there was a missed oppertunity. It would have been hilarious, if a shot glass was rosse from the cloud table. The domain IS linked to Jason's soul.

Philipp Battenberg

There could have been some... development. It was already shown that the US either acquired people with looting powers or removed them. So it is not unbelievable that they did the same with "people with knowledge of spirit coin farming". And Clan Asano could have spirit coin farms in their astral spaces and are just not telling the other factions about it.

Carl Gherardi

Isn't Heath Australian? I haven't wanted to murder him over 9 books, so assume so


Given who her uncle is she both has a lifetime supply from before magic and some kind of magic thing to make them endlessly (it probably makes sandwiches too).


Thanks for this great chapter!


My thought was that Rufus will FINALLY understand Farrah’s comment, which he probably didn’t hear, that, “… I’ve been to the land of refined sugar.”


Not sure about the stuffies, but the biscuits were after Jason’s….2nd death where he went back to earth, Stache shifted into a facsimile of Jason and left way too many “shiny objects” to buy all of the biscuits in a bakery, then he and Onslow run off to enjoy them


Whoa, dial it back a little. Nothing in that interaction implied that Erika doesn’t want Emi to learn to defend herself. There’s a difference between an adventurer trained to fight, and an indoctrinated assassin who only knows how to kill. Erika would be a bad mother if she didn’t interview her daughter’s new tutor and ascertain exactly what sort of training he proposed to give her daughter.


It's one of the best written bits, IMO, because it's such a believable reaction. She's scared and trying to hold on to whatever sense of normalcy she can.

Richard Bonds

If this interaction happened in a vacuum, I could agree, but it didn't, and I don't. Not being sure of Jason when he first came back, that was one thing...but they had years to come to terms with who and what he was, and showed over and over again how trustworthy he was. Asking questions to make sure she knows what is going on and agrees? Sure. I totally get behind that. I have 2 kids, and would do no less myself. But to me, it felt like she was starting from a place of mistrust, and I think Jason deserves much better. The way he was treated by his family (and Erika in particular) last time he was on Earth was terrible and made me so upset at them. I don't disagree with Anonymous, just above me. I DO think it is a very believable reaction...but it is a believable flaw. She is trying to force the toothpaste back in the tube, and has been for years. That isn't going to work. She is going to have to adapt. And I am past ready for her to get there. (It occurs to me as I am writing this that Shirt may in fact be a genius. To write a character that evokes this much of an emotional reaction...it's really well done, even if she does drive me crazy.)

Kevin Anderson

So messengers are of the will of the cosmos... Aka the throne... Aka Jason pretty soon ... Jason really might become the king of kings..??

Kevin Anderson

Yes. But is there a base truth to it leading back to the "beginning" , with the originals.... Guess it depends on how old Boris really is.


Heu shirt I see what you did there and I dont appreciate it. You conditiones us to laugh whenever we hear or read the words "my family runs a school". Not cool man. Im laughing and they aren't even joking about it. Im even laughing when people tell me i work at a school irl. Not cool shirt not cool


I can probably write a mini essay on this but Erica is a great *character*, not necessarily a likable one. She's being what I would imagine a millennial Karen to be, and that makes her infuriating to read about. All the right values but all the wrong responses.

Scott McCarthy

Am I the only one hoping Jason sent EMI a stuffed stash, preferably enchanted to say "biscuits" at certain times, including excitedly whenever someone says biscuits...


Not really. The messengers are the voice of other messengers who just play at being the top of the cosmos. Until Shirt puts it to canon, right now they got nothing to do with the throne which he specifically stated was what kept the Great Astral Beings in check, its a function of existence. The originals are just (so far) Astral Kings that arent indoctrinated bird people. Right now, we dont have enough information to truly relate the Astral Kings to the Sundered Throne outside of the obvious regal wording connections.




I'm hoping for more of a storyline like 'Jason is the reincarnated form of the original Builder' or some other more awesome supreme being.....

Kevin Anderson

So you're saying, in a fantasy novel/universe, a legend that's been men tioned a few times now is not relevant to the story? I'm not positive(op is a question for example)but I'm shocked that you seem so definitive.... Messengers of the will of the cosmos. No way that's related to the throne? Especially not very long after we fine out the role of the sundered throne and what happened? Or the fact that it's already been shown that even AK don't know their own history themselves when jamis mocks vesta for not knowing what an original is... Shrug. Who knows what will become cannon. Shirt is crafty.


Yes, but what about Jason's paternal grandmother...Yumi(I think)? She reminds me of my grandmother; hard but supportive. She is the rock of the family in the end. I think Erica's flaw is in mindset. She would sacrifice many to save one; especially her children. I do like Erica..but I also agree that she has unlikable traits. I think she is the main reason Jason wanted to leave Earth again.

Daniel is ŁØNE

Don't get me wrong I think Erica is a well-written character with believable reactions that doesn't make her a likable one by any stretch of the imagination. Like someone in this comment section mentioned the way she treated him when he came back was awful and while at that point I could see the reasoning behind such an adverse reaction it's been much too long since Jason left for her not to have come to terms with her reality. Idk other people but with all the background context and what we know about her feelings towards Jason as he left this entire interaction has a very blatant air of mistrust to me that feels highly underserved and after all the shit Jason had to go through to keep his family as safe as he could as well as how much they rely on him for a haven it kinda pisses me off how intentionally narrowminded she is choosing to be.


Yes I can’t wait for another earth arc. I need all of team biscuit there though


That would be incredible, actually! As much as I don't want to see Gary go, him not doing at this point would feel like a cop out in almost every situation, but him somehow becoming astral and getting a bond?!

Jordan Rogers

Take me to interstis, where we see Jason mouth off to entities who have governed their prospective worlds and realities for eons, after he has only just acquired his own just recently(obviously reluctantly)

Lesley Holmes

My family runs a school pmsl amongst all the other great things about this series the humour is essential. I can take dark but please, please, please with cherries on top, keep the humour flowing.


We land back in Australia and the first person is named Bruce? Perfect!


I run into two problems mainly when I'm back in the Earth books again. 1) Jason not explaining himself more after taking out the super heroes (and some of the other related "intentional failure to communicate" bits). I mean, I get it story-wise, I just don't enjoy that part 2) I feel like the latter part got bogged down a bit, especially with the "extracting a thing from that creature and turning into into this other thing so it can be used for slightly different purpose from other the thing that got transformed into a different thing from another creature" bits. It might be just me or bad memory, but there were enough of them that they sort of became indistinguishable, making some sections feel drawn out. But I still enjoyed them. Not even part of every book can be perfect for every person.


Can't wait for more. Keep up the good work.


Taika is actually underrated, advanced to silver in record time


Umber would not be a good match for Emi, Umber is an ass for trapping shade for over 500 years in that astral space. Emi would not get along with him. That being said I'm sure Emi is totally getting at least one reaper stone and a token.


Thx for the chapter


Anyone else find it funny that apparently now Rufus seems to have been gaing a refined sugar addiction much like Farah


Not sure but is the title a Pink Panther reference?