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Rufus and Taika were handed dimensional bags filled with items, including recordings from Jason and Farrah. They each moved to the middle of a ritual platform and were slowly sealed inside egg-shaped conjured dimensional vessels. The brown ovoids spread from the platform up, and Rufus locked eyes with Gary until their line of sight was blocked.

Boris conducted a large-scale ritual, at the culmination of which the messengers and the two vessels all vanished. The onlookers departed, almost everyone having more than enough to do in the wake of the expedition’s return. Farrah and Gary didn’t rush off, instead taking an aimless stroll through the empty streets.

“Are we heading somewhere in particular?” she asked.

“Anywhere quiet.”

“Everywhere is quiet here,” she said. “What are…”

She trailed off as a divine aura announced the arrival of a god. Hero looked not unlike Gary’s demigod form; a leonid too large for even Gary’s hulking species.

“Thank you for waiting,” Gary said.

“If not the ancient and immortal,” Hero asked, “then from whom can you expect patience? In any case, Asano’s invitation to this place was contingent on letting you make your goodbyes first.”

“Excuse me, your godness,” Farrah said, “but I didn't think deities could enter Jason's spirit domains at all.”

“His control over his power grows,” the god said, “and will only continue to do so. I had hoped he would use it to vouchsafe your life, Gareth Xandier.”

“He gave me a choice,” Gary said. “I chose.”

Hero nodded.

“I know that you intend to hold my power a little longer. Please continue with my blessing, for as long as you can tolerate it.”

“It’s your blessing that got us here in the first place,” Farrah muttered.

Farrah!” Gary admonished.

Hero held out a restraining hand.

“She is not wrong,” the god said, sadness tinging his voice. “I am sorry that this is all I had to offer you.”

“Yeah, well, maybe come up with a less lethal miracle,” Farrah said.


“I would like that,” Hero said. “But change is hard for my kind, and often comes with consequences we neither foresee nor welcome. We only have to look to Purity for that.”

“I am sorry for her disrespect,” Gary said. “And so is she.”

“It's alright,” Hero said. “I would not act this way with every god, Farrah Hurin, but I am the god of heroes. I, of all, understand that actions, not power, are what makes one worthy of respect. And all I do is kill heroes.”

The sadness emanating from the god’s aura was on a divine level and Farrah felt caught up in it, as if struck by a tidal wave. Tears spilled from her eyes. She felt the god’s despair at his role, undeniable and sincere.

“I’m sorry,” she said.

The god placed a large hand on her shoulder as she bent her head. His voice became warm and paternal.

“Feel no shame in standing for a friend, child. Instead take pride in doing so, especially in the face of a god.”

“With respect,” Gary said, “I’m not sure you should be encouraging that behaviour.”

The god let out a laugh, startling the mortal and the demigod.

“You are fine heroes, both of you. And being a hero is more than just weapons and battlefields. I know of your project, Farrah Hurin. Working to connect the world. More good will come from that than any ‘glorious war.’”

Hero said the last two words as if they left a bad taste in his mouth.

“To be honest, I’m mostly doing it for the money,” Farrah said and the god laughed again.

“‘To be honest?’ You should not lie to gods, Farrah Hurin.”

Gary looked up as Gwydion Remore approached them, wandering down an empty street. The priest bowed before his god.

“Lord Hero.”

The god nodded his acknowledgement, then turned back to Gary. When he spoke, his paternal tone had once more become divine and imposing.

“I have permitted you to keep my power for so long as you can hold it, Gareth Xandier, but there is one order of business to be settled now.”

The god stepped back and Gwydion moved to stand before Gary. There was none of Gwydion’s normal amusement in his expression as he bowed before Gary, as deeply as he had for his god.

“Gareth Xandier,” he intoned. “You are a hero, to be sung through the ages. Your battle is done and your well-earned time of rest draws near. I ask that you bestow your relic upon my church, in testament to your deeds.”

Gary looked at Gwydion for a long time, the priest still bent over in mid-bow. Then he held out his hand, into which an enormous hammer appeared with a burst of golden fire. He held it out and Gwydion stood up. Despite his serious expression, Gwydion couldn’t keep the mirth from his eyes as he read the words ‘Gary’s Medium Hammer,’ etched into the weapon’s massive head.

“Thank you, hero. I wish you nothing but joy in the time that is left to you.”

“I didn’t do it to be remembered,” Gary said. “But there’s not much point holding onto the thing. We both know that when you say my battle is done, I don’t have anything useful left to do for anyone.”


“Don’t, Gwydion. I gave you my hammer. At least have the decency to not pay for it with a nice lie. I never wanted to be a hero.”

Gwydion looked at Gary in silence, his expression conflicted. He turned and left, carrying the hammer reverently, if somewhat unsteadily, away. Although the priest’s gold-rank strength was enough to lift it, it still weighed many times more than he did. It was also large enough that he looked like a child making off with his father’s weapon.

When Gary and Farrah turned to look back at the god, they realised he was gone, only his divine aura lingering.

“That’s it, then,” Gary said. “No more obligations. Not until the end.”

Farrah gripped Gary’s much larger hand and gave it a squeeze.


The aftermath of the expedition to the underground was a mess. The Adventure Society and the Magic Society both wanted answers. The emergence of a new polity, deep underground, was a complication to their closest neighbour, and Yaresh had enough problems already.

The appearance of the transformation zone had led the messengers to realise that the soul forge their astral king had put so much effort into was almost certainly lost to them. The truce with Yaresh came to a violent end as fighting resumed for the first time since the messengers invaded.

Yaresh itself was not the centre of the fighting, with its magical defences being the one thing left largely intact. Instead, skirmishes took place in the smaller population centres in the region. Not long recovered from the monster surge, the towns and villages left alone for their lack of strategic importance were suddenly subjected to raids for no better reason than to slake an astral king’s anger.

Yaresh and her adventurers struck back hard, repeatedly raiding the remaining messenger strongholds. With so many resources dedicated to rebuilding the city, they could not afford to besiege fortifications reinforced by advanced messenger magic. Even so, they forcefully struck back against the messengers.

Rather than dedicating the forces required to breach the strongholds, Yaresh and the Adventure Society deployed powerful champions to periodically hammer the enemy defences. Attacking with elites only saved on valuable manpower and avoided unaffordable casualties. Rather than successfully penetrate the defences, they bled the messengers of the resources required to repair their defences after each attack.

The messenger strongholds boasted magnificent protective magic, beyond anything found in Pallimustus. Diamond-rankers were the ultimate trump card, however, and while Yaresh had two, the only one on the messenger side had died invading the city. Not only did Charist and Allayeth punish the messenger defences but also pushed them to the limit. The messengers had to fully restore them after each attack if they wanted to withstand the next.

The skirmish wars lasted for months, defined by logistical shortcomings. The messengers weren't allowed to withdraw, yet were no longer being reinforced or resupplied. Their astral king drove them to spend their lives on petty, inconsequential revenge.

Yaresh and the Adventure Society wanted to crush their enemy, but were unwilling to divert the requisite people and resources. With messenger attacks in the region ongoing and the city under reconstruction, the decision was made to let attrition end the messengers. If their astral king wanted to sacrifice them in dribs and drabs for nothing, her enemies were happy to let her.

The main casualties on both sides came from the messenger attacks on towns and villages. Despite the increasingly dire situation the messengers were in, they continued their pointless attacks against now mostly evacuated towns and villages. The adventurers became increasingly adept at predicting and countering their unevolving patterns of attack. By the time the transformation zone opened up, it was less a defensive patrol program than an exercise in messenger hunting.

It was clear that the messengers were done in the region. Their numbers fell too far and their resources dwindled too much to effectively defend their last stronghold. They were beyond the point where they would have needed to spring a trap that revealed their poor tactics to be grand strategy.

In the end, the diamond rankers all but strolled in to eliminate the final defenders. The messengers fought to almost the very last, with only a few notable leaders absent when the fortress finally fell. That was a little more than a month after the transformation zone ended and the expedition finally returned to the surface. What was left of Jason’s team even participated in the final raids.

The messenger war had ended for Yaresh, at least until another astral king found some reason to return. The celebration was enthusiastic but modest, as the aftermath was bitter. The astral king’s ambitions had been destructive enough, but her spite in failure was worse for the pointlessness of it. She had let her own people die for no more reason than to scorch as much earth as they could. The reconstruction would be more daunting than the wake of any monster surge.

One bright light had been the growth chambers of the underground city. They had the capacity to sustain hundreds of thousands, yet had only ten thousand to feed. The ability to solve the region's food problem instantly was a massive boon for the brighthearts who were now faced with diplomatic relations for the first time in centuries.

Jason’s team, like the rest of the expedition, faced weeks of debriefing meetings with the Adventure Society. Their insistence that they would not answer to any Magic Society representatives caused contention but was ultimately accepted. Danielle Geller did not have the reputation on this side of the world she did in her homeland… at first. That changed in direct proportion to the bureaucratic pressure applied to her son.

Danielle also teleported Farrah’s parents in from Rimaros. Despite her desire to return to her personal project, Farrah and her parents joined Gary and his in what remained of Jason’s soul realm. While the rest of their friends were dealing with one debrief after another, Farrah quickly fled to the tree city and didn’t come back out.

Others had migrated into the tree city as well. Mostly this consisted of Carlos Quilido and a new research team he’d assembled. His previous assistants had returned to Rimaros while Carlos was underground, although many returned. The funding was not a problem due to the father of Gibson Amouz, the young nobleman in the care of Carlos.

Gibson had been trapped in a customised stasis chamber for around a year, rescued halfway through a conversion process meant to turn him into a zealot slave. Undoing the horrors visited upon him was the focus of Carlos’ work. The Healer priest was hoping that success would lead to saving others thought lost forever to vampirism and related conditions.

Jason had set up a research centre in the tree city, the hope being that Jason's power to manipulate reality there would help advance the research while keeping the subjects alive. One of those subjects was Sophie's mother, Melody Jain. The zealots of the Order of Redeeming Light she had once led were the rest of the subjects. Some accepted being led into the tree city and some did not. Those who refused were confined in the brightheart city with the permission of Lorenn.

Also staying were former teammates Arabelle Remore and Callum Morse. Arabelle was a part of Carlos’ research project, trying to keep the subjects sane while he kept them alive. Those subjects who had entered the soul realm had the influence controlling them turned off by Jason's power, like Sophie's mother. Arabelle’s role would be to help them through their trauma.

As for Callum Morse, Arabelle wanted to help him as well. She blamed herself for failing to notice the deteriorating mental health of her friend. He had spent years searching for Melody with what became an unhealthy obsession. With Melody wanting to reconnect with Callum, Arabelle intended to do her best to help both.


Jason's team was down several members following the underground expedition. Jason himself was a critical source of damage, but the absence of Rufus and Taika was also felt. They had been temporary members from the start, but how temporary had always been an open question. With how well they had fit in, bringing welcome power and versatility, their departure left a hole.

After weeks of unceasing questions, the team was extremely ready to move on. Especially when more and more answers began with “I don't know.”

“I don't know, it was a weird Jason thing.”

“I don't know why it was shaped like his head.”

“I don't know. It looked like a bunch of magic carriages all stuck together to make a giant golem.”

After a final visit to Farrah, Gary, and Melody in the tree city, the team prepared to leave. The destination was the city of Vitesse, in the nation of Estercost. When they left, it was with another temporary team member, to try and patch over the hole in their ranks.


Team Storm Shredder was over. The surviving members were Rosa, the team scout, Amos Pensinata’s nephew Orin, and Zara Nareen. Amos took Orin back to Rimaros and Rosa went with them. The scout had been shaken to the core, and Zara knew that she would not return to adventuring soon, if ever. The silent Orin was as hard to read as ever and she had no idea how the trauma had affected him.

Despite being a latecomer, Zara had built a strong camaraderie during her brief but exciting time with the team. In the aftermath of its destruction, she was left shaken, alone and fragile. When she had been at her most lost, the team was the place she found. Her intentions had been foolish at first, but as her sense of belonging had grown, that belonging had become her purpose. Now, there was nothing left to belong to.

She had no place left. Her father had sent people to bring her home, and she had followed, but the messes she had left back home had not gone away. The political fiction of being cast out was still a necessity and it was not long before she returned to Yaresh. In the last days of the messenger war, she threw herself into the fight against the messengers. It was good work for good people, but it wasn’t a purpose.

When the last messenger stronghold fell, Zara was once more at a loss. On the night of the victory celebration, she stood alone on the city wall, looking out into the dark.

“There’s that look again.”

Zara turned to find Sophie standing next to her. She hadn’t snuck up so much as been moving faster than Zara’s aura senses could detect.

“How do you move that fast without kicking up the wind?” Zara asked.

“The wind is kind enough to get out of the way,” Sophie told her. “What’s in your way, Princess? I saw you out there, fighting the messengers. You went hard. Harder than a lot of people like you I’ve robbed. But here you are, with the same look that was on your face when we came out of the hole.”

Sophie’s expression softened. She moved to the stone balustrade next to Zara and stared into the night.

“It's not easy losing people,” she said. “I know that, and I've never lost anyone who meant anything to me other than my dad. But I have people that matter, now. Lindy, Humphrey… all of them. I don't know what kind of kick in the teeth that would be. I spent so long keeping people out. Now that I’ve finally let them in, I think losing them might break me.”

“I’m not broken,” Zara said, hesitant as she looked for the words. “The team mattered to me, but we weren’t so close that…”

She closed her eyes, squeezing out tears.

“It hurts, but I'm not broken. I'm lost. I was starting to belong; to have a purpose. Being part of something; building it together.”

“And you threw yourself into tearing up the messengers to push all that aside, if only for a little bit. I get that.”

“It was doing good for good people. But that’s not a purpose.”

“It’s purpose enough for me. But I’m just a thief, not a princess.”

“I’m not a princess anymore. And you’re not a thief.”

“But you can be a princess again. If you want it. Maybe not the Hurricane Princess, but there are worse things to be than ordinary, everyday royalty. I understand there are fewer decapitations if you don't stand out.”

“You know nothing about how royalty works, do you?”

“No, and I don't care. And as for thieving, I haven't entirely left that behind. Adventuring calls for it more often than I expected.”

“Do you think I'm playing at adventurer? Waiting to go back to my palace?”

“Nope. I’ve seen you bleed, Princess. Seen your team members drag you out of the fight for refusing to leave people behind. Even if you had to prove anything to me, which you don't, you'd have proven yourself just fine.”

“Then what are you saying?”

“I don’t know. I’m just talking. It’s not for me to tell you how to live your life. I guess, if I’m saying anything, it’s that good work for good people isn’t so bad. While you’re waiting for purpose to come along, you can spend your life staring out at the dark, or you can spend it doing some good.”

“The messengers are all dead.”

Sophie let out a chuckle.

“There’s plenty more where they came from. And if you're tired of dealing with messengers, there’s always good work to be done somewhere. I even know some good people, if you’re looking.”

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Thanks for the chapter


The inscription on the hammer is "Garry's last hammer" Not "Garry's medium hammer"


Here I thought that Zara would have been a loose end. Hope we haven’t seen the last of her. She is a missed opportunity with Jason.


Looks like things have just about been tied off. Time skip soon?


Great chapter

Jonathan Crandall

Oh hell yeah! Glad she's gonna have a place to belong. That reunion with Jason is gonna be hilarious


Amazing chapter


I love that Sophie is paying it forward with Zara. Just as Jason did for her and Lindy when they were lost. It isn't the same, of course, but it's really nice to see more of her gentle, nurturing side.


Love it! #teamZara


I imagine we’ll get a handful of Rufus chapters on earth (maybe)? If not, probably a jump to the end of Jason’s fight, since it seems it will be repetitive while he ranks up


I need to stop reading these chapers with Gary at work. I swear I wasn't crying, it's just my allergies.


Correct me if I'm wrong... but aside from a few epilogs and the stuff in book 1 for either Sophie or the expedition.... has it been really about 7 books without a Jason appearance in a chapter? That is literally the first thought that came to mind


Yeah, I’d enjoy seeing more of Jason’s family and how they are doing. It’d be nice to see how Jason improves while fighting alongside some of the best fighters in the cosmos rather than just skipping to the end though


I think the chapter eludes to her being with team biscuit. At least temporarily. An Astral King needs a princess. Might as well give him 2. Lol


Hoping we get a few epilogues before moving on, to see what the Earth people have been up to.

Eric M

I kinda thought both Rose and Zara would join Team Biscuit, Orin was a maybe at best. Although in hindsight, Rose wouldn't have many ties to Zara or the rest of Team Biscuit, so this makes sense.


Gary's last hammer was the title after being reforged, but it was inscribed as Gary's Medium Hammer on the shaft and that didn't change when he used the divine forge to "remake" it. As far as I recall

Stephanie Washburn

That conversation with Zara felt..... Needlessly insulting over the fact that she's a princess and can't help bring a princess? Like, if you're going to come over to comfort her for losing people, I'm really not sure that acting like money and power might be a comfort is really the best tactic? Because if money could fix the hole left by lost people and lost purpose, Zara wouldn't be sad, now would she?

Morgan Amacosmos

I finally subscribed, and now I'm finally caught up, and now I finally what withdrawals feel like. What do yall do in between chapters? Where do I go from here? Do I restart the series? Try to just sleep till the next one comes out? Engage with something less addictive, like meth?


Great chapter. Just one point, this sentence reads a little strange:: Harder than a lot of people like you I’ve robbed." I think maybe a couple of commas, "Harder than a lot of people, like you, I’ve robbed." would make it a little easier? I dunno, im no English major, but it caught me up for a couple of minutes before I could parse it lol. Again, great chapter, the Farrah and Hero scene was a strong hit to the feels.


Wait until you get to a monthlong sabbatical. And rereading (listening) is your friend.


You're quite right. I feel it necessary to point out, however, that despite her looks it's always been clear that Sophie used Charisma as her main dump stat. Most or all other members of Team Biscuit would have been less awkward and unhelpful about trying to be nice, but in the end Sophie _is_ trying. We don't see that too much, especially outside her close friends, and I think it would have been more unrealistic if she'd done a better job. Plus, given her background, an abiding morass of negative feelings toward the wealthy and powerful (particularly those who get it from family ties) is very understandable, and not likely to ever entirely go away

Stephanie Washburn

I think it's good that she's trying. Maybe it just came off poorly to me. But then, Mom always tried to shame me out of feeling poorly by pointing out that we were more comfortable than others. So I've got pretty deep seated reactions to the suggestion that money can fix emotional damage.


I see what you're saying and where you're coming from, but I didn't interpret what Sophie was saying in that way. I saw it as less "kick in the pants" and more "let's make lemonade"


You don't get humor dude... It's supposed to be something funny and lighthearted...


It's in the published Amazon book, so it's a bit hard to red con it. Ofc. he could have changed it for the book. The inscription is a strong moment in Garry's transformation. It really underscores the price of Hero's miracle.


I love when she said that the wind is kind of enough to get out of the way

John goode

Can Jason make diamond rank sprit coin ?

Owen Kaz

I have the WORST coping method possible. I read so many different series at once that I both always have something to read and also have to constantly reread certain series as I kinda forget one every now and then for a few months and return to not remember any of what's going on

Stephanie Washburn

Yeah, it is nice to see her trying. And also to see Zara correcting her (royalty really doesn't work that way). I mean, considering that Sophie grew up with constant financial anxiety (and in a situation where her problems really could have been fixed by more money), it makes sense that she might imagine having money as "being in a paradise in which there are no problems and I could just faff off and drink martinis on a yacht." It's just that is an illusion and an obvious one, considering why she feels the need to comfort Zara in the first place.


I know some people have a strange ability to wait and let more chapters build up, then read a bunch at once.....I don't have the willpower for that 😂 I spend 'no chapter' evenings cooking more food than I should

Ira White

It would be funnier if she was Clives wife 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣 🤣

Stephanie Washburn

It would have made sense if the new temporary member was someone we knew, but I guess it doesn't always line up that way.

Ira White

Hear me out on this what if Zara became Clives wife? Jason comes back from his latest cosmic shinnagins with his remade Astral king body and thrown that is better then Dominion's. Only to walk out and find Clive and his wife Zara lmao.

Stephanie Washburn

It might also be that American culture has made "princess" into a sexist insult about women who are perceived as uppity, emotional, ambitious, or useless. I don't know why the conversation triggered this feeling, but I got "Han Solo sarcastically calls Leia 'Princess'" vibes from how often Sophie called her that..... Even though probably neither of those women would have any connotation that Princess could be an insult. (Except in the same way that billionaire can be an insult). Anyway, it's frustrating because I do want to be happy that Sophie tried. And she was trying to say a good thing, that there are worse placeholders than doing good while you try to figure out what's next. It just got weirdly infected with Shirt's or Sophie's views of the rich. I don't know....

Jonathan Crandall

I'm listening to the Audiobooks at work. I'm currently on the 9th book and it's great


Dude I'm crying. Gary gave away his hammer. And Zara became a biscuit. And most surprising is Sophie became a leader. I'm looking forward to more. Just so you know Gary is not done. He is just dead, plenty of heros come back from the dead. Its killing me but I can't wait to see what happens when Gary gets back as the Reapers out worlder...


I troll the comments, see what others say, occasionally post something 🤣

Kaelan Spears

Nope. Limited by his rank. He could definitely make enough silver rank coins to trade for one, though


Gary was the best you asshole I hate you for the foreseeable future shirtaloons until you pull some outworlder crap outa your ass with him!! Jason's niece never got her furry hug!! 😭


I really don't think they should bring him back. It cheapens death in the world. Farah coming back already did that enough.

Stephanie Washburn

Anyway. I'm glad that Sophie is trying the best she knows how. Her message is a good one, even if she ate her foot a couple times along the way.


I'm looking forward to going back to Jason and his 'work colleagues' playing GMod sandbox


Just wait till she somehow manages to summon him as her familiar


Also he probably still has a few diamond rank spirit coins laying around from when he killed and looted dawn.

John goode

5 I believe. So does that mean he’ll be able to make gold rank sport coins when he ranks up ?


So how are we all going to feel when Jason is done, and he goes back to his team, and Zara has been there longer than he was at any given time? I wonder what that dynamic is going to look like? Tyftc Shirt!


Shirt, did you forget about Estella Warnock?


Hopefully Jason will have had time to come to terms with his feelings on her by then. He seemed to have mellowed out going by their last convo underground.


Respectfully I disagree with you. Gary lived and died like a hero. But like the glib statement in a previous chapter heros cheat all the time, and if you can't cheat death use a loophole to get around death. I desperately Gary back in the story. He is one of my favorite characters and I think he is also one of the best written of all the characters. He started out as the oldest member of Rufus's team, providing enthusiasm and experience in equal measure. Gary was a best friend, quiet, and loud guide, and even when not around he was still a character of tremendous impact. Gary is going to die. Rufus can't stop it and neither can I. But even according to Shade death is not the end of the journey. So I'm holding out hope that Gary is going to find his way back somehow, who knows he might end up as the godly replacement for purity.


Clearly he must've! She's been MIA since the attack on Yaresh.


100% agree on the mellowing out. My concern is that they are going to trust her more than him. He will be almost an unknown by that point. It implies that it will be longer than a few months.

Blayne Allsen

That was my mistake at work too. Took a bathroom break, read the Goodbye Gary chapter, and came out a blubbering mess


Not quite that long. She was undercover investigating the messengers’ spies in Yaresh after the battle, finished that just before they went underground and was deliberately left behind for that because she isn’t a combatant. That said, I’m also curious whether she’s going to stick with team biscuit or if she went back to rimaros too


Oh god, what an idea! What kinda essence and awakening stone would you need for that? Cat and …


Oh, you know, wailing, gnashing of teeth, the occasional rending of garments. 😉😂😂


Team Biscuit Storm

Alex Schellenberg

She was doing a job for Jason and was laying low in the city. She is auxiliary so wouldn't get a mention when talking about the team composition


I like the direction you're taking. Following several paths, making the weave blend into a tapestry instead of just the connecting chapters at the end of each book. Continue to take care of yourself shirt, your writing shows how dedicated you are to your craft. Thank you for these stories, I look forward to each and for one I appreciate you.

David Cooper

You see? Taika is taking 'stuff' back to Earth with him... I'm betting they include seeds and enough useful animals to establish a population. Stuff that Earth doesn't have and would be useful. What would YOU take?

David Cooper

When the bridge is finally established, I don't see any way out of anchoring it on both sides from within Jason's transformed zones.

Eric M

Yea I thought it was obvious as well. You know who we haven't heard from in a long time, that spy girl auxiliary (can't remember her name at the moment), she didn't want to be an adventurer, and not suggesting that changed, but she seems to have disappeared. I mention this because I recall she called dibs on Zara along time ago... 😜


Look at Sophie taking up Jason's role as team recruiter and Moral speech giver! Honestly I don't think such encouragement would have come across correctly from anybody but Sophie.


If Gary becomes her summon, I'd only accept it if she has to use a sword of Omens to do it lol


I'm guess Rose being a Scout was in the same boat as thd Earth Scout. It's one thing yo hear about the insanely powerful but it is another thing all together when that power, in this case Jason, The Tree, Undeath Avatarsm and even Gary are clashing on truly God level stages before you.


I think Sophie is the only one that could help. She's been where Zara is currently, lost in the dark. Unsure how to move forward after eo much bad. It took somebody like Jason that didn't care about social norms and niceties to become that guide beacon. Now Jason has guided Sophie into the light and she sees Zara standing on the same Cliffside of despair she once was on, a person that's lost her way and just needs that person willing yo extend that helping hand.


I think if Dominion could witness the fight going on he'd be cracking up. Remember it isn't Jason's unwillingness to kneel but his attitude towards those that he perceives as doing others wrong just because that Dominion likes. To see Jason making a fool of GABs like The Phoenix for her shenanigans would amuse him


Do we take bets on Jason totally making the whole Godly bring entrance on Earth just because? Like I picture him depending from the 'heavens' or even Rising from the 'Hells' in full blown spectacularly overdone show just because.


Zara has great potential and having so many Diamind Rankers and Transcendent beings that could coax her onwards to the top could only be beneficial for her. Jason, Dawn, Soromir, Zela.


Back in the transformation zone Jason mentions to Arabelle that he needs to bring all the other Earth people back to Earth along with Taika. I haven't heard any other mention of them since then, and in this chapter only Rufus and Tyka are going back with the messengers. Since Jason is expecting to take a few years to complete his astral king transformation, does that mean that the other people from Earth aren't going back for several more years?


I think he's already come go terms with his feelings about her. We just didn't get to hear it.


Any of Jason's team could do it. They do well in those situations


He needs to repair the link before he can send them back. Taking Taika and Rufus was an opportunity only available because Boris could bring them along with him.


He didn't anchor it to his zone on earth. He anchored it to a random rugby field in Australia. Unless I'm remembering it wrong.


First if I had been Jason I would have brought a whole set of college text books on physics chemistry etc for Clive when he and Farrah returned at end of book 6. Similiar going back to Earth. Magic theory, magic healing, etc to help progress the knowledge of the Asano clan.


Didn't realize( or forgot) it was the scout that made it besides Orin & Zara damn Unc fucked up bad

Kevin Anderson

Noreth explicitly warned Jason against using his zones, and he ended up using that random abandoned town in the earth side. However, secondary to the bridge, I think it was also mentioned that at least he will be able to move between all of his zones once he ranks up. Not sure of that was gold or diamond. But now that he's an AK, I'm guessing he'll be able to send an avatar to any of his zones. I think that was also hinted at when umi saw the various "naked Jasons" roaming around listlessly....

Kevin Anderson

I think the real question is whether he can make (currently silver rank) monster cores....


I'm still surprised there was no mention of the other Earthlings. Even something as simple as Taika taking a letter from each one back to Earth would indicate that they haven't been forgotten. A single teleport to bring letters or recording crystals from the Geller compound would do a lot for the families of everyone who disappeared from Earth.

Kevin Anderson

Especially considering that Sophie is super rich at this point. Not royalty rich, but it's all relative. She could essentially own greenstone at this point.


If youre speaking to me, I know what it means, thats got nothing to do with how it reads. Its a technical issue, not a content issue...

Kevin Anderson

Zara is going to glow up so much in current company, becoming queen of rimarose will be a step down is my bet. I think soromir is prepping liara for the crown.


@Joanna, I would say, Might, Lion, aaaannnd Magic? Lol it would confluence as Gary's Powerful Essence...I was gonna go with Gary's Big Essence but that sounds like a softcore cinemax movie rofl.


Jason won't be mortal anymore. Seeing how Shirt handles the Hegemon on the Throne in regards to brief microscopic mortal affairs will be cool as duck, but probably not a focus going forward.


Gary’s Big Essence absolutely sounds like some sexual thing XD


Idk I think I agree with Kalanaere, I can see the rest of the team still rubbed the wrong way for what she put Jason through. Especially Clive


To be fair, the rest were from different factions and not exactly people who Jason liked or vice versa. May not have been motivated for any favors.


Yup. Could they do it yes but Humphrey would have a hard time looking past his upbringing and I think so would Niel. Clive would Just read his doctor thesis whatever and everybody was fall asleep. Sophie and Belinda, on the other hand came from that bottom. They've seen the darkness if you will. Sophie understands probably the best of them The darkness that zara is slipping into because she is lost. She's the best suited to help guide her much as the team helped her


What else are you reading? I liked the ripple system and the dungeon crawler carl series. Went back and read some classics like the hyperion series too.


The Primal Hunter is great! I haven't really looked at many other LitRPG books; though I really should.


I won't all out disagree if only because they're numbered chapters. Though when editing happens and they decide on epilogs.... you are likely correct. But till then, numbers is main story to me lol

Spencer Miller

Calling it now. Jason’s not the type to leave a good change in the cosmos up to chance, at least not to this extent. He’s rigged the fight without the GABs knowing. How? They don’t know there’s a whole ‘nother combatant that they’re ignoring. The battle is in a forest.

Carl Gherardi

A guy whos family runs a school for adventurers. The vegetarian sausage. Skillbooks on anything and everything available. Something for mum.


Anyone know what happened to Thadwick energy vampire?

Morgan Amacosmos

I think the sentence means "you are harder than the people I robbed who are similar to you" and the additional commas out of context make it sound like "harder than a lot of people. Like you, I've [also] robbed". I think our boy Alex read your comment and then thought you were imposing a more serious tone over a lighthearted segment. I agree that it could perhaps benefit from some restructuring, but I don't think commas are the way.

Morgan Amacosmos

I like ripple system and I've been recommended dungeon crawler carl as well. The Dakota Krout books are good too, but the voice of one of the MCs in divine dungeon is kinda painful on audible. My wife is dragging me through the Sarah J Maas books and I have to acknowledge that they are better than I would like to admit. Radically different to this series, but still a good use of time. They're more along Sophie's reading preferences if you catch my drift.


I did not. Look for her in an upcoming chapter - the one I'm writing today, in fact.


Yeah I’ve been thinking that too. Jungles are mostly made up of trees

Crystal Donak

I work. Lol but other then that. .. .hmm? Parent. ? Wait. Listen to the audio books over and over. Lol


I interested to see if anyone found the purity relic and what they’re going to do with it. Thx for the chapter


FYI the next button at the bottom of this chapter takes you back to 860. TFTC!