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G'day all.

I'm digging into my break, although I'm still catching up on all the stuff I'd been putting off - I'm doing my taxes next week. I haven't quite gotten into the swing of relaxing, but I'm working on it.

Book 4 is coming (ebook & audio) on December 28th, so those chapters (267-340) will be coming down from Patreon, Royal Road and Scribblehub on the 14th of December, in preparation for the launch. Grab the PDF bundles before then if you want them. If you're having trouble finding them, there's a drop-down for tags at the top of the main page and choose PDF bundles.

As a reminder, the PDFs are the pre-edit releases, which won't change any plot details but there is some rewriting to polish things up (quite heavy rewriting in many of the important early chapters), along with a lot more error-correction. This should start showing more with each release, especially books 5+ as I haven't been happy with the release quality of books 1-3. I've been working with my publishers to be more rigorous in the editing and proofing for this very reason, so I'm hoping the results are apparent to the readers.

I hope everyone rounds out the year well, and while you won't here from me much, I'll pop up from time to time, mostly to shill my next book.



The tag "shameless self promotion" cracked me up


Have a wonderful break and happy holidays ❤️


Thx for the update and have fun doing your taxes bro. Is Australia's tax filing system less idiotic than the US system? It probably is, but thoughts and prayers regardless.


Thanks for the heads up Shirt, now go enjoy your break !

Extra Crispy

God damnit shirt the release quality of 1-3 was great better than most books in this genre at least. and i respect the fact that your always trying to improve but go back to relaxing you deserve it.


One more for the shelf :))


Thanks Shirt, I think I’ll just buy the book though 👍🏼👍🏼

John Donovan

Any eta on the audio book?


All books in this series will simultaneously release on Kindle and Audible

Mike G.

Path to the specific post for those bundles: https://www.patreon.com/posts/volume-2-large-52159242


Shirt, amazing work! I spent 5 days with low sleep, spam reading 400 chapter, since I found out your Patreon. I'm in love with your characters. I wonder if there's any plan in the fuťure for hardcovers? Enjoy your break and keep up your amazing work. // A fan


Cant wait to buy it!


The market isn't there for hardcover litRPG titles, with even paperbacks making up a tiny fragment of my income. It's so low, in fact, that I half believe that most of the paperbacks went to me so I could send out signed copies. There is exactly one hardcover copy of book one. The blokes at Aethon Books had it custom made for me as a gift, which was an awesome gesture that I really appreciate.


Thanks for the update and enjoy the break! My son wants to send you a Christmas gift. Is just going transcendent for a bit on Patreon the best way to do that? Don't know who takes what cut.


Mate, if you want to give me something for Christmas, instead of giving me money, make a donation to your favourite charity. I'm doing just fine, and there are plenty of people in need at this time of year. Instead of me feeling guilty for taking people's money while I'm relaxing in a hammock, pay it forward to someone who genuinely needs it.


"Book 4 is coming (ebook & audio) on December 28th, so those chapters (267-340) will be coming down from Patreon". So when he refers to a Book #, that's different from a Volume #, right? I.e., it seems Chapters 267-340 are part of Book 4, which is in turn part of Volume II.


Shirt, when you announced your well deserved break (honestly, 5 chapters a week is superhuman, at least upper range of silver) I feared the cliff hanger. And what we got was Jason dropping two Astral Bombs on Dawn (which somehow sounds like Jasoncalypse Now) and her very human (eh, celestial?) response - I'm still laughing. I reread that part a dozen of times and it's all completely obvious how it's coming together, and I still have to laugh every time. Best. Cliff. Hanger. Ever.


Already grabbed the audiobook. I love the narrator I think of the voices of the main characters when I read the book


Can’t wait to listen to it!



rene kaminawash

I can't wait just take my money and be happy because I'm enjoying your story

Lucas Gulick

Enjoy your break! I've re-read the series twice since your original break announcement, I cant wait for some new chapters!


I'm rereading book 1-3 and I've forgotten how good that was. Have a good break shirt.


Get your stuff done and make some time to relax. I’ve reread most of the chapters and listened to audiobook 3 again. Get some rest because I anticipate a really busy 2022. Hopefully with 4 book drops like this year 😊 😃

Jolynea Davis

Just downloaded it on audible very much looking forward to book 4