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To say November was tough would be an understatement. To put it a bit short, I lost a partner of 14 years (my dog). It put me in an... interesting emotional state as I kinda closed myself emotionally before all of this. I was never allowed to show emotions aside from happiness. Recently, I was allowed sadness. But after my dog died... it was everything. Anger, doubt, resentment, all these raw emotions that I suppressed because of "society". Men are supposed to be strong and not show vulnerability... But yeah. Just fyi, dunno who needs to hear this? But it's okay to feel emotions other than happiness or sadness, regardless of gender/sex. And if you have a pet, hug them while you can. 

ANYWAY, I discovered that I can do something productive while playing D&D (TTRPGs in general) and that's drawing. And I decided to compile all the images I drew since the last update (as to include today's image) up above. TLDR: drawing couples is hard...

As for projects:


Orchard University: A new release is up for Patreons. Officially in hiatus until I finish Merchant Mode

Resident Maiden: Also in hiatus for the same reason

Rebirth of Eden: Officially finished, or in v1.0. Now available to the public. There's a tiny QoL I added regarding tracking, but it not yet been uploaded. There is a "sequel" planned to RoE, in which Merchant Mode is step 1. 

Oathbreaker: We are now back on track... hopefully. A version was released earlier in November. Up next is a Paralogue (and the Supply Run we forgor)

Nightshift: It going!

OO Merchant Mode: it's re-starting. I started drawing to figure out who the protagonist is. And I am taking some inspiration in my life. So the game might have some parallels with how I'm feeling (no dogs though). I think I still need to balance some things too. 


Magisit: It going! The next release will be a shorter one though. 7 pages rather than 10 ish. 

Orchard University Re-Something: Orchard University graphics are getting done. I just commissioned the last 2 images. So to keep Angerox busy, I decided to make comics with him. About 10 pages a month or so. We won't start with OURsomething until after OUPW is finished. So in the meantime:

(MAYBE) Side TG comics: Comics to help as a warm-up before OURS. Dunno... shout your ideas in the comments. Can be OU-related, might not. 

As mentioned in Discord, I will make a new tier to give access to the comics and repurpose the $8 tier to give access to both games and comics. 




Sorry to hear about that Icarue, I know that no words can ever compensate for such a loss, but we're here for you. Just take it easy whilst you grieve. Good luck with the comics, I hope it brings some catharsis. P.S. Your art is really coming along.


I'm not exactly 100% fine... but I'm coming along. This happened early November, and she had been bad since mid-September. Overall, considering she was born with a very bad illness, 14 years is amazing. Truly a trooper.