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It took a second, but Nightshift has hit version 1.0! For those of you following along, the only thing left to do was bug fixing and releasing for other platforms (we might still be procrastinating on figuring out Linux builds with RPGM MZ, thought). But with this release, we now have a new Mac version... and an in-browser version playable over at itch.io (https://6six6.itch.io/nightshift). That one should hopefully allow Linux players to play until we can motivate ourselves to actually understand Linux, at least. For now, I'll leave it at that. Hope those who haven't played yet can enjoy it!

- Bug fixes
- Mac and browser release

Downloads (But you'll miss the pretty landing page)




The second link is for the other game. Not a super big problem since the first one is there, but just wanted to let you know.