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sorry for lack of updates guys! I've been really busy
I will make sure I have these finalized at the end of the month 😤




Thank you so very much for these beautiful sexy masterpieces of pure flawless perfection, Especially the Korra. *yetihug* Thank you so very much my goddess queen of awesomeness friend! Also I hope the move is going well and that you are all settled in.


its gone pretty good! thank you. Just furnishing it out now~


pretty good! just furnishing it out little by little now. Almost done unpacking....

The happy spartan.

I really am happy to see alittle more sexual stuff like the (after dark days). Not to sound like a pervert or anything hah *nervous chuckle* the way you drew korrasami during love making was always amazing, always looking forwards to your posts.

Death of Ink

I swear, your art is just perfect for the beautiful couple that is Korra & Asami!


I am so glad people still remember Martian Queen Tyr'ahnee 😍 That woman was fire! 🔥


Forget Lola, I still think Tyr'ahnee is the hottest character to come out of the supposedly "family friendly" WB cartoons. We all know what the person who drew her was thinking of.