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Last week or two have been hard on me mentally with everything going on. Its been hard taking care of myself, managing my stress, and trying to muster energy and time into creating. Thankfully watching shows and playing animal crossing lately has helped reset my brain towards feeling somewhat normal again.

I don't mean to worry you all about my stuff, but I wanted to make sure you guys know how much it means to me to have your support. I'm very thankful to you all and hope my content can continue to make you guys a little happy during these stressful times. I know its normal to feel stuck and anxious, especially at times like these, but i'm hopeful to get my groove back again as I adjust myself to how things are now. I will be okay and will do my best!

I hope you, your family, and friends stay safe and healthy during this pandemic. take care of yourselves! 


 TLDL: feeling stressed and overwhelmed bc of pandemic going on... hope to get grove back soon. stay healthy n safe! <3 more draws to come~ 



Be safe, be healthy!


; o ; I hope you are doing alright Iahfy! I know you are stressed and such. But I hope that things will improve for you mentally. Please stay safe! ^_^ I know it doesn't mean much... but thanks for the awesome art as always! You work is fantastic. ^_^


please take care of yourself iahfy!


Take care of yourself! ;)

Dragon Cobolt

You take care of yourself, Iahfy! You being okay is more important than draws!

demon grrl

Please take care and stay safe!! &lt;3


Take your time! We will always be here :)


( ^◡^)っ ♡


*yetihug* Thank you so much Iahfy my goddess queen of awesomeness friend for all of your hard work and everything that you do. I hope that this weekend is less stressful for you and that you are able to relax and get some rest. Take as much time as you need because similar to your name, We are here for you. *yetihug* Stay safe and health.


Take care of yourself IAHFY. Your health always comes first. Much love. We're always here with at least an ear if you want to talk.


Be well and stay sane!


Same really. Going a bit stir crazy, but otherwise okay.


thank you for the kind words, but yes! definitely take care of yourself first. tis crazy times, mental health is paramount.


No worries. Iahfy you’re art and streams have helped me a lot when I too have felt stressed and all that. You’re content has been so positive for me. Please take the time you need to recuperate. Keep up the good work we are here for you.


We love you Iahfy!!! Hang in there 💜


Take care of yourself! More important than anything.