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watch here: https://drive.google.com/file/d/1N67jWCmWe4fr7r3sraRJJLTHIB8lDcdn/view



Rachel Barrett

So, the ball trick, from what I have seen and can understand, there are two balls. The first ball in the beginning is being thrown by the members and it’s the ball that Sunghoon holds at the end of the dance break. The second ball, which is a real ball, if you look very closely, you’ll see that there is a string attached to either side of the ball and the end of that string is either attached to Ni-ki and Sunoo’s clothes or they’re holding the string (I say that because if you look at Sunoo, his hand is behind his back, but I’m not entirely sure) and with that string, there’s some sort of tension they created to make the ball spin rapidly (obviously, to coincide with their concept and powers as vampires), then Jungwon kicks it. I can confirm that he really did kick the ball and there was no CGI involved with that, it’s just that with the many AR elements in the performance it makes it look CGI, but it’s not (I saw him say this in an interview, so if you want to watch that just look up SSAP POSSIBLE with ENHYPEN, highly suggest, it’s really funny). Anyways, that’s the ball trick kind of explained.


A STRING!!! I didn't think of that. That makes sense 🤔 Thanks for explaining haha my mind was a little blown !