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Hey everyone! I realized about halfway into May that I didn't post my monthly update as I usually do. And by then we were halfway into the month so I didn't see the point. So, I wanted to make sure that I posted one for this month! 

I like posting these monthly updates here just to kind of touch bases with you all and idk I'm a writer and I like writing letters to people so I kind of think of it like a letter to you all. Really, I don't have that much to say to be honest so apologies if I ramble a little. 

With all that's been going on in the world (AND WE'RE ONLY IN JUNE, MY GOD) I'm sure that I'm not the only one who's been finding it a little more difficult to smile and laugh. One thing I never ever do is try to film videos when I honestly don't feel like I'm in the mood to because if forcing cheer and enthusiasm is what I have to do to make an entertaining video I highly doubt it will be entertaining at all. So, as much as I'd absolutely love to do nothing more than distract you all from how shitty 2020 is I hope you'll forgive me if I'm a little late to a comeback or post less than usual. 

I'd also suggest to you all to turn off the news once in a while and put down your social media and take a walk or something. The amount of negativity in the world is overwhelming right now, so go out and literally smell the flowers from time to time! At least, that's what I've been trying to do. Cuddling with my cute cat and spending time with my friends. And- binge watching The 100 to be honest. 

Anyways, as far as this month goes I'm planning to finish up watching Seventeen Project and start watching the very highly requested QUEENDOM. So, I'm excited for that and to get into the next exploration this month too! 

Oh and obviously Happy Pride Month to all my fellow LGBTQ+ members out there! 🏳️‍🌈❤️🏳️‍🌈

As always, I love you all so much and truly hope that you're staying safe and healthy. 




So glad to see an update! I really look forward to the rest of the SVT debut project and Queendom (really want to see some of those awesome performances). Take your time coming back, the world has been shaken up and we all could use some time to orient ourselves. Walks are everything to keeping my sanity right now. Hope Luna is adjusting better now! ❤️