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I'll just cut straight to the chase because I don't feel like it's worth talking around it for 3 paragraphs- I need a break lol. When I began monetizing my comic I was extremely motivated by the concept of making money off a passion project I had complete control over, especially while taking time off from college. And while the growing support has been a huge help and I'm so incredibly grateful for it, I realized the other day that I never actually gave myself a real break after my semester ended. Y'know, that thing most schools give you for several months between spring and fall. I delved straight into comic work, determined to get this project finished by the end of summer and start working on a brand new, potentially even more ambitious project afterwards, only to be brought back down to earth by the reality that I'm a tired ass dude who probably needs to get diagnosed for ADHD and I work slow as hell lol. That slowness resulted in a constant anxiety over self-imposed deadlines, where I was always nervous that I wasn't putting out enough content for those of you paying for it, and that I NEEDED to do more. Lately that anxiety caused mild burnout which is why I've been taking so long to get these most recent pages out, and by now I'm sure you can see the cause-and-effect here is getting out of hand.

So yeah, I need some time off the clock.

I'm gonna be "on hiatus" next month, and by that I mean I'm officially on holiday, but I doubt I'll stop drawing altogether during that time. I'll probably even finish a page or two in my downtime when I feel like working on the comic, but it'll be at my own pace. As for freezing the billing cycle for my Patreon, that just means you get an extra buck or five in your wallet next month, because I'm not gonna be charging you guys for it. It also means however that I won't be posting any content here for the duration of said break, and will likely post any pages immediately to my Twitter and other galleries since nobody's paying for the exclusivity period. I haven't quite decided if I still want to hold onto the Redux pages and keep them exclusive to Patreon or use this opportunity to release the first two publicly as a way to keep my content output steady while I'm on break. It would also double as an advertisement for the kind of content $5 (and eventually lower tier) Patrons get if they pledge, so hmm... But that's stuff to think about later. 

TL;DR,the only thing that's important to relay to you guys is that I'm tired, I'm taking next month off, and you won't have to pay for it. I look forward to finally relieving myself of the anxiety of not uploading anything on any particular day. Also, because I've had people tell me specifically not to freeze my Patreon when I expressed desire to lol, if you still want to support me next month I have a Ko-Fi at https://ko-fi.com/unpopularwolf 

I wanna take a second to thank everyone who's supported me as of late, despite the scarcity of content. It's still crazy sometimes to think of how nearly viable doing this for a living is, and that's thanks to y'all for being thirsty af for inappropriate dad behavior. Sappy "I couldn't be here without you" comments aside, I'm super, super happy to provide this comic for you guys. I can't wait till I'm back in the swing of things and ready to pump out a ton of pages and get this damn thing finished already. <3




Seriously take care of yourself dude 💜 you always come first.


Definitely take yourself a much needed break, anxiety and stress is not good for anyone. ♡