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Hi, This is Muchi.

In Japan, it's common around this time of year for companies and groups of friends to hold drinking parties, a tradition known as "bonenkai." In recent years, due to the prevalence of infectious diseases, large gatherings have been avoided, but it seems like everyone is back to hosting bonenkai this year.

However, especially among doujinshi authors, participation in bonenkai is not as common. The reason is...

Because at the end of the year, there is a major event for otaku known as Comic Market!🎉

In other words, authors during this time are busy meeting their deadlines for manuscripts, leaving them with no time for drinking.😂

Truth be told, authors who manage their schedules well should have already completed their doujinshi and can join the drinking parties without worry. However, we shouldn't say such things. Everyone knows that even when you understand something, there are many things in the world that you can't do anything about.🤫

We might live in different regions or have various reasons for not attending events, but we are looking forward to this wonderful opportunity to see many works from our beloved authors!❤

Of course we continue to work as usual. Enjoy!


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