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Hey, guys!

Regarding the recent artwork, I've received multiple requests to make the tickle battles in the Tournament one-sided, focusing solely on depicting the defeat of the losing character rather than the entire battle. I believe it makes sense to approach it this way for the Tickle Tournament. 

While I'm still working on the illustration, I'd like to ask for your input. Would you like me to modify the last drawing so that only Hinata receives the tickles? 

Please respond with YES or NO!

(Usually, I don't make any changes to completed illustrations, but for this particular occasion, as I want the tournament to be absolutely exciting for all of you, I am willing to make some alterations to the artwork to ensure it pleases everyone!)



Bruh no seeing the entire battle is way more satisfying


Hahaha, this is something I didn't expect! 50/50!!! Alright, here's what we'll do: This time, I will finish the drawing just as I initially intended. For the remaining battles, I will find a way to resolve this matter! ;)