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Hey everyone!

This month, we're knee-deep in the murky mysteries of Swamps and Marshes, but don't think for a second that we're neglecting our other projects!

As many of you are aware, our Patreon community has been hard at work crafting our very own campaign setting: The Fallen Kingdom. And today, I've got something special to share with you—a sneak peek at one of its principal locations: the port of Vermosa, nestled in the vampiric lands of Noctis.

While it's still a work in progress, Vermosa is well on its way to becoming the brooding haunt of the Avarita Bloodline. Of course You are more than welcome to grab it in it's current form if you can't wait to get started CLICK HERE

Whether you're a member of our Patreon or not, if you're eager to dive into the world of The Fallen Kingdom and offer feedback on Vermosa, I highly encourage you to join us over on Discord.

Using Legendkeeper, we have been collating all the background and lore for the Fallen Kingdom for a while now and I would encourage you to add your voice to it!

And if you're keen to support my work and gain instant access to hundreds of maps, assets, and much more, why not consider becoming a patron?


RC - George



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