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What's up. I wish you a happy life.

I have a lot going on right now, including my own business, an art book, and some commission work. My working speed may not be the same as it was previously. I hope you get it ;w;

I'd like to thank everyone who has continued to support me. I can't thank you enough for every penny I've received.  so that I can live as an artist.

and we have a lot of people who have been supporting me for over a year. I can't say it enough, but THANK YOU!!! <3   I'd like to include the name here, but the list is too long. you're so kind  !! .

ya know sometime i have a bad day . because of all of you, my fans, and my audience, who keep cheering me up and giving me the energy to push through the obstacles . and remind me that " having the bad day  does't mean i have a bad life "

thank you guy again . love you everyone




It’s alright, it’s alright. We know you are doing your best! Don’t forget to take some time to catch your breath a bit. You don’t want to hit the burnout. Sending you some long-range hugs!


hey how are you doing? I hope everything goes well with you. Some days just bound to be "bad" but in the end of the day you still choose to move on and focus on the good things in your life and that really tells about your character, a good positive character and we love you for that. Best wish to you and really love your work.