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Thank you for joining us again this month and for your patience 😅,

Here is our 3rd of 5 delayed community commissions from the previous month (August), which we had made by the lovely "Tobias Wheller", complete with 4 pages, which tells a "what if" story in which a certain innocent slime decides to test a new power of his, which leads to him experiencing the wonders of Shions female body :3, which we hope was worth the wait <3, and that you fans enjoy it just as much as we did making it ^^! (we also included the textless versions)

Artist's pages are linked bellow:

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/Tobias_Wheller

Pixiv:  https://www.pixiv.net/member.php?id=28383225

Patreon: https://www.patreon.com/tobias_wheller (feel free to support his art here)

- Thanks again for supporting us this month, stay tuned for our remaining 4 community commission's (for the month of September), our delayed runner-up commission(s), personal commissions/alt versions (to help with the wait), our remaining 2 delayed community commission (from August), more Mini Comics and lastly our End of Month Bonus Bleach themed Comic still coming throughout this month (September) ^^!




Feel free to leave a like if you enjoyed &lt;3


Great Artwork... Would love to see more possession or bodyswaps from this series.


Yes i love This very Nice Gg


Pls a part 2! &lt;3