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Due to popular demand,

Here's another request/commission we just had done by "Speicesirekawa" (aka 種族入れ替わり), where in a "what if scenario", Hinata and her son Boruto are hit by an ancient ninja scroll, which swaps their age & genders, resulting in Boruto becoming alot older & female and Hinata becoming alot younger & male :3, which we hope you Fans enjoy ^^!

Links to his pages are linked bellow:

Fanbox: https://www.fanbox.cc/@speiceskawa 

Pixiv:  https://www.pixiv.net/en/users/53501531

Twitter:  https://twitter.com/speicesirekawa

- Thanks again for supporting us this month, stay tuned for our upcoming 7 community commission's (for the month of November), our new runner-up commission(s), personal commissions/alt versions (to help with the wait), $10 exlusive Mini Comics (2 to 7 pages), a Free Animation and lastly our End of Month Bonus Bleach themed Comic coming out this month (November) ^^

PS: if you'd like to see more from this artist, feel free to leave a like <3



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