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  • 👍 111
  • 👎 3
  • 2024-01-06
  • 114 votes
{'title': '264', 'choices': [{'text': '👍', 'votes': 111}, {'text': '👎', 'votes': 3}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2024, 1, 6, 20, 29, 21, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 114}


Happy New Year!




Thanks for the chapter! 🥳

Benjamin Lewis

Mobile Pat. Won't take my up vote in the poll 😱

Conor McGroarty

Time to work getting a full gold team so they can kill or deter any prick goldplate. Good thing most golds work solo at higher levels so getting a team should work. Though powerleveling (raising cap, not leveling) will take time with so many things to do so I guess giving untraceable problems to Jien is the way to go. Spreading anchors near Lightcore holdings for a mass terror attack is a drastic option that is ill advised until they have a gold team at least. Rain can already commit mass genocide on unawakened as long as his anchors are spread across all towns and cities. Would be especially effective on the Empire that live and die on numbers and discipline.


Thanks for the chap, can't wait to see how it goes down. Petty Rain sounds fun!

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Jac Onue

I don't think Rain would go for mass murder, even against Empire's citizens. He could smuggle an anchor into lightcore's premises, then reverse purify until the anchor runs out of durability, assuming that the anchor disappears when it does. Untraceable atrocity at your doorsteps :)

Conor McGroarty

Rain certainly isn’t the genocide kind (Warden even dubbed him “a good person” when earlier she said “there are no good people” showing how he is the exception), just pointing out that his current build has immense destructive potential. Wonder how his manual mana sense training is coming along?


Eheheh, time for rain to go all crazy with upping his cap, like he did by upping his soul, so he can then walk over there and SLAM that dude to the ground! FILTH!


I'm not sure what's happening, but I agree with Lord Deathzone.


Such a cliffhanger, please don't do this to us all the time


Damn! I wonder what's the next move


Where was Halgrave?


Rain should really try to build a nuke to take out an asshole hold.

Jac Onue

Probably went back to Ascension's base. Since Velika is away and Rain, Amelia and Tallheart should've been meeting with Luna around this time.

Anonymous (edited)

Comment edits

2024-01-13 05:25:25 There are already mentions of nukes - The Warden comments on nuclear bombs being accessible by any half-competent alchemist (though that probably means gold-plate) and she may have been bluffing. She says that the damage limit limits their use.
2024-01-07 19:32:21


Not sure how confused you are but if you want a summary: the Entente are only in the city because the bank lets them be and the Entente are the ones who let Ascension set up a base. A bank gold-plate decided he doesn't like Ascension and pulled some strings to get them kicked out. Rain is angry about it.


I interpret the last line so that he has planned and expected such a thing happening. Not anger. What I therefore wonder is that plan.


Au right. I forgot it's almost impossible to instantly kill someone strong in the setting.


Mlem noted they had a team in the Great Delving, so likely there.


@Jobob Minor: That's close to correct but not quite. The Entente do not serve the Bank, nor are they there because the Bank allows it. The Entente basically serves the Great Houses (there primarily because the Houses want a buffer between them). So it is likely he pulled some strings with the Great Houses or within the Entente leadership.


The damage limit in unranked zones prevents the reaction that is required to even ignite a nuke, at least that's how I understood it.


That was a good way to introduce one of the powerhouses of the setting, waltzing in with oversoul while wearing true goldplate armor. He thought he could bully them into handing over their stuff, but Mlem wasn't having it and Moira saved the day. Hopefully, the Illuminator will defect to Ascension.


A team of low-golds can't do a lot against a high-gold. Just like a team of low-bronzes would get smoked by a single high-bronze. But it's even worse because the low-golds are restricted by the damage limit and the high-gold in this case isn't. It's like eight people with nerf guns against one guy with a real gun.

Conor McGroarty

I mean Warden Vatreece said that if the Citizens had pulled out all the stops and worked together without being tied down by their petty kingdoms, they could beat Fecht. Granted it likely would have been a blood bath considering how the Maelstrom formed with the Warden (plus Citizen team) and no known survivors, but should be possible. Considering how she viewed herself as the single strongest living platinum in modern times (helps to be heir to such a long lasting organization) I don’t think it was said out of hand just to justify her taking control. Numbers mean something as long as you have minimum strength to not die in the battle and contribute. Platinum aren’t gods who are unassailable by the previous tier. Well the tiers aren’t absolute as long as you meet the minimum requirement and are prepared like facing a raid boss.


Keep in mind that there were slightly over 30 Citizens, if I remember correctly. And at least a couple of them should have been high-gold and capable of breaking the limit occasionally. Against goldplates who can't break the limit, like Halgrave, Fecht would be invincible. He'd be taking at most 2,500 damage per second, probably not even that with a good barrier, and could potentially one-shot them.

Conor McGroarty

Which is why team work makes the dream work against an otherwise impossible raid boss


The fact remains that Velika is the only one who can break the limit and only through forcing a paradox. And the paradox calculates her attack against the target's defenses, so I'm not sure how well she would do against some of the best goldplate armor in the world. Lord Jien is not someone they are ready to face yet, unless Rain, Ameliah and Tallheart are all raised to gold, get goldplate equipment, raise their soul cultivation to gold and figure out how to break the limit with Reece's help.


It's a bit overkill though. It's like Bill Gates personally going to the local office of a startup and decides to intimidate the receptionist, but fails because a low ranking official of the DOJ happens to be there as well. :D


Well, maybe if Bill Gates was trying to get them to leave all of their hardware and data behind for him to poach. Lord Jien came personally in order to blast them with oversoul, so they wouldn't even question him. He was clearly overstepping his authority, but it was a calculated move to get his hands on some Ascension tech. None of his underlings could have pulled off the same level of intimidation.