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  • 👍 168
  • 👎 12
  • 2023-11-23
  • 180 votes
{'title': '260', 'choices': [{'text': '👍', 'votes': 168}, {'text': '👎', 'votes': 12}], 'closes_at': None, 'created_at': datetime.datetime(2023, 11, 23, 14, 11, 53, tzinfo=datetime.timezone.utc), 'description': None, 'allows_multiple': False, 'total_votes': 180}





Pisces the Nose

Board Investors: Jien ... i think these are exploiters but reece said the ideas were similar


"Board Investors", in the first recap/definition of who the major players are, should be "Board Exploiters". Also, while I love the world building and exposition that the info dumps give us, I hope they won't supercede the new content that actual chapters give us


Great chapter!

Conor McGroarty

Luna is a greedy banker but the fact he was able to make it to 4 and maintain that means he is competent. Though anyone with a rank is to one degree or another. But he is also in a weak position where he is most likely to listen. As long as he gets filthy rich, he should be able to tolerate Rain’s idealism. Even if he plans some shady stuff, Ascension just needs to grow enough where they cannot be stomped. Getting 8 gold plates (a full team) would be a nice start.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter.

Daniel Powell

Putting the ability to control more than one major asset behind already being in the top ten is a transparent attempt to keep the positions at the top. Any change in the board is probably bloody.


Thanks for the chapter, always a pleasure.


There are people not in the top 10 who apparently control more assets than 3 goldships. It functions, amusingly enough, as a deterrent to the grow, grow, grow philosophy of capitalism. Which as we've seen tends to lead to monopolies.


Uplift didn't really start until they brought in the airship, which seems a bit on the nose. ;)


I enjoyed how Reece sits on the couch and gives real time comments. Like a couch warrior only that she actually knows stuff. Or maybe a movie night with friends with actual political implications? Fun contrast. Especially if I imagine her with snacks and a huge cup with a drinking straw yelling at the tv.


"Competent" by nepotistic standards. Luna has not shown much competence so far.


Rain still very naive in realpolitick. Don't let your new puppet in on your goals/values, its just another handle on you for them to grasp hold of.


I feel like she's probably not there quite yet, but I imagine her getting there extremely quickly 🤣


" I’m not about to list out every President, so don’t ask." Huhu, did she not do that exactly each time for the different 'type' of them when explained them?


Presidents and the Board are not the same ranks. Every member of the 10 Slot Board has multiple "Presidents" under them that run various enterprises.


Think of it as a kind of corporate feudalism. The Presidents are the individual Barons that pay tribute to the Dukes (the Board) and then you have the Kings at the top. Then you have the Enforcers as nonlanded Knights to enforce the governing body's will.


Keep in mind that we've already seen that two out of the three Plats were dying of old age at an age less than 250. So even if every member of the Board is Gold, they are unlikely to be immortal and will die of old age eventually. That will create a slow turn over on it's own, even assuming they allow hereditary transfer.

Christian Basso

No. Those are the board members. The presidents are different and i believe they are like brach owners.


Those were board members presidents are below them on the hierarchy there are thousands of presidents


So my bad, reading to fast and not paying much attention on these details on the Bank system thingy i guess


Is this story going to shift back towards delving at some point? I personally find the business building chapters less exciting.

JC Silver

I couldn't agree more! I was worried we'd have to wait for dedicated grannybrain chapters to get more of our grouchy gamgams.


Typo: "not created through production goods," Should be 'through the production of goods' or 'through producing goods'.


I love chapters like this!


I love the content so much. I just have to cancel my subscription because so little material to justify paying this sadly.


I still want a Stat list of various bronze and silver classes


Well, I see your point, but it is also way cheaper than any other authors Patreon, so it somehow balances out? At least to me, it does.