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Now in u16!




Good chapter. Reece is a cranky old lady who likes to play mind games and yank Rain's chain whenever she can. I really like the dynamic, especially since she isn't subservient to him or helping without reservations like a regular soul guide would, but rather she's still making political plays from inside his soul. Getting Rain to back Guardian Nem allows her to affect the Watch succession even after her death and she'll try to guide Rain and Ascension into whatever direction she thinks is best, using her advanced soul knowledge as a carrot. There's bound to be conflict between the two in the future. Anyway, if Guardian Olicia is really such a bad apple, then why did Vatreece let her get so powerful in the first place, and secondly, why did she leave her alive at the end when she threw away her rules and morals?


I guess Olicia was good at toeing the line and not doing anything that could justify Vatreece punishing her within the Watch's rule structure. And presumably the Watch does have rules that apply to everyone and keep Vatreece from acting arbitrarily (at least not without undermining the rules she worked to establish).


Liked the chapter. Another one that just has me wanting more. Time for more random theories! What's up with monsters? Specifically, why are there monsters? Why are they all so violent and hungry? Well, so far, I've been operating under the assumption that all essence in Delve-world comes from a nearby dimension and/or the liminal void. This theory seems to gel with how the world functions thus far. From the "spontaneous" generation that souls have of essence, to the new info we have on lairs, and so on. So, if there's a dimension dripping with essence, what kind of life would live there? Creatures wouldn't need palings that kept essence inside their souls, it'd be everywhere. Which is how monsters' souls are, with them constantly needing essence. If essence can make it into the world from another dimension or the void, why not also monster souls? These monster souls seemingly can't be stopped from entering the world entirely. But the system somehow (no idea how) manages to coerce these souls into a creature mold. The nature of the monster's soul probably plays a factor here. You can coerce a bird soul to be a bird monster, but not something entirely alien to the soul or harmless. Otherwise, the system would make it so all monsters would just spawn in a form that's entirely helpless and nonviolent. The best they can do is gimp monsters with certain instincts and behaviors. Like how every fungiform stumper attacks identically to every other fungiform stumper, and otherwise having them engage in normal animal behaviors even though they don't need to. This also means that the rumors of monsters that are spawning outside the system near the hole in reality where Vatreece and Fecht fought? Extremely dangerous. Whatever form they have, it's as close to whatever their "natural" form their soul takes as possible. Without any system gimping at all.