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Tycho Green

Purple light flashed, and an asshole puckered.


That line alone makes up for the absolute tease of a level 24 blue.


Did the monkey target Rain because of Essence Well or because of his funky soul? Because the latter has some interesting implications.

Arnon Parenti

Finally level up for Rain, make him a seasoned veteran


You're gonna carry that weight, space cowboy. Ooo force grand cryst? I wonder what Tallheart will make Ameliah?


Lvl 24 blue come on cuhh

Mike G.

Good fight! Why didn't Rain use his velocity aura to mess with the mob?


Mostly it was falling, so velocity would have had no effect anyway. Regardless, it was too tough for most impacts rain could have arranged for that to matter, and making it move at erratic speeds would have hindered amelia more than it.


Gravity manipulation at level 24? Now rain's build seems too underpowered. But it was a great chapter!


Rains build is severely underpowered. He's a Support mage, completely backline and utility. But what support and utility he adds is great, and grows better the larger the party.




Yes! Meteorite is the greatest, he's just a damn dirty cheating ape!


Nice. level 24 king is insanely strong. Guess you'd need 7-8 high bronzes to take it on.


Wait why is it 'poor rain'? Does his cap not increase if he doesn't deal the final blow or just because it's a small bump? His cap is/ was 18 right?

seth dauer

Oh man. I'm all the hype for the next chapter


I think it was just they wanted to get him to silverplate and the 24 was just under silverplate.


Rain's gotta really work on his battle composure and stress tolerance if he is going to be going up against these higher level types in the future. He spent a lot of time essentially gawping and nearly pissing himself and getting saved by Tallheart. Thank goodness he a pucker-type I guess right? Can't wait for the level ups though. Its been so long I'm not even sure which ones he should get exactly anymore!


I wonder how Rain will react to having his cap extended, considering how much xp he has banked in his 'leaky' soul


I don't think that's xp, if you're referring to the liquid stuff in his bastion. He only has22k-ish xp banked. He can get a few hundred thousand in a day though pretty easy


He's working towards the force aura, multi aura, and the meta skill that let's him cast auras away from himself. I think with those he'll finally have a comprehensive damage route.

Joshua Little

Thanks for the chapter. Hope Tallheart makes her a nice tiara etc.


That insane seriously, a lv 24 monster is like this? Okay its a "intelligent" type (ape), is hundres years old and is a fucking blue and Arcane shit type and a Boss but that dont change its insane lol And yeah Grand Arcane Cyst loot, Amelia gonna have her OP ring stats, maybe the crown have some shit too I dont remember exactly but rain need to be carefull about what skill he take (for getting the 5 in each tree for legendary class requirement) if i remember right he is fucked for the double aura skill, he need to wait lv 26 or 27 for it or 28? i dont remember, so his core vital build is still not good if he just hit lv25 And he have choice to make about the res aura he take and they not really optimum (some are pretty "useless" and he need to take some of them) i think Arcane/Mental and Force are really vital in the future when he get more point Edit: i rechecked fast, he need to pick 4 skill in defensive aura and 3 in offensive aura He need 5 skill in 5 tree for the legendary class at 25, (at lv 25 in total he have 26 skill point) Look he have choosed to have 6 skill in aura metamagic tree, so maybe a legendary with a litle more bonus in aura metamagic (i wonder if he have taken this solo point (the 26eme) to a 6eme solo different tree it can greatly influence the legendary class choice or it doesnt matter and the parameter accepted in legendary class is just when a tree get 5 skill in, so need and maximum 5 tree)


If it was me I'd choose Suppression, Mental, Arcane, and Cold Ward Auras. --Supression: is a great middle finger to all those scary dangerous casters everywhere and would probably help to a decent degree against even classes that mostly use stamina to power their skills --Mental: because mind control skills are horrifying --Arcane: because lots of the weird and multi use stuff that is hard to figure out in time mid-combat seems to use arcane magic --Cold: mostly because I hate the winter and being able to ignore the cold would be great, also only 1 choice left here and its really a coin flip IMO between Heat and Cold with the others being too specific + can be mostly moderated with Accolades outside of circumstances involving Gold Tier opponents and stuff For Offensive Auras I'd chose Shear, Discombobulate, and Dark. --Shear: awesome physical only damage aura that flat out ignores mundane armor and materials --Discombobulate: mental damage is scary and fucked up and now I'd get to use it so HA HA, also damages mana too which would let me give casters a heart felt double middle finger --Shroud: Dark damage would let me mix up my damage types + give me a skill that would darken the battlefield and obscure me from opponents at will, can't hit my squishy self if you can't see me! Obviously all this stuff is very much IMO and doesn't allow for consideration of T4 skills which should unlock for him soon. Its entirely possible he might want to wait and see what they are before snagging them. BUT if I had to pick based only on current known information that was what I'd choose.


ah, will rain level 6 levels in like 2 days or will he do the trick with the essence well and level them all in three hours? although he doesn't want to risk his soul so he will go slowly


I don't see why he wouldn't use Essence Well to do it. Its safe and fast. Only would be a bad idea if it starts hurting his soul again or something I guess?


Yeah if that is standard power i get why there are so few silver plates and higher.


Does Rain get the blue participation just by using support skills? Wasn't it damage-related?


Only in a lair/dungeon or whatever they are called


This fight is a really good example of why it was a really great idea to not bring anyone else. They would have just been deadweights for Tallheart to protect Especially Val who is almost a worse magnet than Rain


He probably won’t actually get much stronger getting to level 24. Mainly just more variety.


His auras will be stronger because of Aura Synergy but yeah otherwise not so much


Surprised how difficult this fight was. Fun to read though, especially the mental imagery of the Shaman mucking with gravity and slowly rotating around. Was the Shaman even stronger than other blues its level or is that the norm? EDIT: just a note, take it or leave it, but the third sentence ("Purple light flashed, and an asshole puckered"), though amusing to read, sort of distracted me. Maybe it's the awkward phrasing or ... the forced mental imagery. I'd consider removing/altering it to something more natural


One other possibility is because Rain is from another world. We never got 100% confirmation that the Wolf targeted Rain because of a teleportation spell. Maybe higher-level Blues are attracted to people from another world.


Damn have to love amelia. x)) Hahaha, i didnt realize till the end, that guy was 24, so indeed, poor rain. ^^


You forgot about Ethereal Aura. Rain already said he would probably be taking that at level 27.

Michael Hughes

Rain has his build planned out through 25. It is in the chapter exposition. He wanted to spread it out so that he has 5 skills in each tree, and each elemental type covered. He also will not just be doing essence meditation to level up because he wants to have the skills maxed out before he levels the class change to have the greatest effect. That will let him have a legendary class change with a level cap of 15 for all of his skills.


A good trolling move by SenescentSoul would be to say that Rain contributed 0% and doesn't get the core upgrade to 24...


Since Rain's powerful equipment is a very large part of his identity now, I think he should use five skill points to get a specialization in the equipment mastery skill tree. Amy should invest some points there too. Just like with tallheart/Lily, Awakened need to realize their world is one where working together vastly increases one's power. With Ascention being all about bringing a new era of togetherness, Rain should be the one to lead by example.


Wouldn't that just be the biggest kick in the crotch...

Forrest Minter

It's ok, just means he'll be stronger for the next one. Also maybe he'll finally invest some points in other stats since he seems to have outgrown his single-stat obsession.