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Hey everyone!  Blue Core Book One has an audio version you can find here!  New cover art by Fuyu!  The narrator will also be doing Paranoid Mage in the future, and maybe the other books of Blue Core depending on how the audiobook sales go.



I for one just downloaded it, was wondering if it would get a audiobook adaptation.


why Jeremy Frazier and not some one big like Andrea Parsneau or Jeff Hays and Annie Ellicott? female lewd lines with a male voice always feels supper awaked to me, there's not a tone of sex scenes but i imagen there going to feel really weird with this guys voice. there's a good reason most lewd audio books have both a male and female voice actor if you look at some one like Logan Jacobs on audible he dose lewd si-fi and fantasy and he always gets a male/female pair for his books im dyslexic so i listen to i have listened to a lot of audio books over the years and there have been a few i just could not listen to that were spouse to be really good books because i cringed so hard hearing a guy with a voice like gravel try to sound do a sexy girl voice and it coming out even deeper and more butch then there male voice..... or they all sound Irish.