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(Figure 2-4 from BanderDay # 5,Original design)

I repainted Orth

Orth is a 19-year-old tiger with a very robust body, but he is still a child. He is simple and impulsive, he is straightforward but sometimes shy

I try to capture these features

I kept Orth's signature mixed-color hair, sparse beard,  and "Iconic Tear Pattern" and added a tear mole

I simplified the tiger pattern on his cheeks and changed the pattern on his forehead to a scar, andI made the dark pattern on his shoulder fluffy

Of course, I also kept Orth's "foreskin" and "thin pubes", this is the part where he feels shy and unconfident

Orth is a very complicated guy, I have modified his story many times, and I hope that what I show you in the end will be a satisfactory version

I may publish this draft on Twitter after a while or not, anyway, Patreon subscribers can get my latest developments



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