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뽑힌 캐릭터만 바뀌고, 레퍼토리는 항상 똑같아서 죄송합니다.

막상 넣을 캐릭터가 생각이 안 나서  계속 현상 유지를 하게되네요.

투표에 넣어주었으면 하는 캐릭터, 혹은 그려주었으면 하는 캐릭터를 적어주세요.

참고하도록 하겠습니다!

I'm sorry that only the character who won the vote has changed, and that I always put the same character on the list.
I can't think of a character to put it in, so I keep maintaining the status quo.

Please leave a comment about the characters you want to vote for or the characters you want to draw.
I'll keep that in mind!



I would love to vote for Erufuda from Elf Can’t on a Diet! :)