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WHOOPS I'm like three weeks late with this well this is no surprise really as I have an extremely difficult time doing anything more than two days in a row let alone separated by months. But anyways

(also WHOOPS, me reacting to my manic episode in a manic episode is now fixed, you can see that video here: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=olFmV_p7UuE&ab_channel=jREG or in the last patreon post)

March was mostly about maintaining the Monday/Wednesday/Friday release schedule while getting the ball rolling on some bigger projects. I started working on a deck of meme playing cards (that double as tarot cards including instructions for how to readings with them that I wrote based on the meme, including inverted meanings) with original art in March, and it's on track to be finished in June. I also spent time looking into booking a venue for a live show in Vancouver, something I've always wanted to do.

MARCH I published:

Male/Female Archetype Reviews—

Kind of low-effort content, but tier list videos always do well and they're fun to do. You'll notice this is the first video of mine I incorporated a new pseudo-live medium (using the tablet) to add to the video. I might do this later for a better artistic purpose if I can think of any, but one of my broader artistic goals is just to become competent in as many mediums as possible in order to combine them in interesting ways, so learning how to use a tablet was part of that. Making the graphs was fun, and then making them available to download on patreon is a fun little bonus too. I might do that more often.

Virgin Vs Chad Lore: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=BWD01BWrs4Q

The editing on this was divisive, which I understand. The editor did an editing pass, and then I did an editing pass, and the result is pretty skizo. I do like editing like that though, it lets the editor add their flair and then I can just put in anything they missed. Warrants more experimentation. The topic might have not been worth a video in retrospect.

Time to unwind: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/TKdjYAK7Lcs

Probably my personal favourite of the month. Underrated!!

He didn't do anything to you:


Pretty good translation of what I'd normally do in a horizontal format to a vertical format. Works fine either way. Would the skit have been better horizontally?? God knows.

Most productive government worker: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/ulOrgeTjgAo

This one's just what growing up as a wannabe avant garde artist in Ottawa Ontario does to a mf. I think the text at the end is a lil desperate to make it catchy and relevant but ehh whatever

Mog Mogs: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/Bhb17N9Kbrg

fun lil vid but ultimately more NOISE!!! Also Zog Mog, ehhhhh that's one of those things I wake up the next morning with spiked cortisol regretting

Defining Transhumanism: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/CBKLssHNlFw

This started off as a transhumanism ideology review which would've been good but then I got sidetracked and realized I couldn't possibly say everything that needed to be said in a minute and basically just ended up making the first minute of what should've been a ten minute video and basically I regret making this one

Unabomber political ideology: https://www.youtube.com/shorts/_9MzYLHXgNc

Kind of a fun explainer. I feel like if I do shorts this is the main style they should take. I try to veer away from explainers I can't add much to but surprisingly nobody made a video about his political ideology yet so the burden fell on me there

Coming out as a robophobe: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=uh-itg5Hizw

This is a good video because I mean everything i say in it completely unironically. I may organize a protest against the Great ReplAIcement (my term i will not look it up to see if anyone made that joke already my term(

From my second channel, I'd say this was probably my best art advice (I talk about incorporating new mediums / moving laterally):


I have been meaning to post more spoken word there, or more experimental songs.

I've also been posting to jReactions but I'll let you know if there's anything great I post there.

Okay tune in anytime from one week to one month from now for the April month review.



honestly i’m still procrastinating replying to your original post about doing these reviews so i feel u

Nicole godzillaeyes Hall

I humbly request and/or hope that if you do a live show, that we are given as much notice as possible. I live an awkward distance from Vancouver (close enough that I'll regret it if I don't go, far enough to need a couple days off work and arrange transport) .


Looking like May 20 rn but if i do 1 show it will be the first of many. First show will probably be small scale


Come to Toronto!


I really hope to see you live, I'm in LA but I love your content so much especially your spoken word videos!


If I can find a venue there it'll happen next time I'm there!