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Nicole godzillaeyes Hall

Leads me to wonder if Self Help guy and Roguelikes guy are also new characters.


What a Christmas gift, thanks


getting incelducated first thing on Christmas morning <3


It's rare for you to unambiguously call out stuff like racism and sexism but it makes the directness so much more hilarious when you do, that voice switch got me


Effectively calling out people that exhibit traits that negative is very difficult to do directly if you actually wanna make the ppl in question/other people see it. Bad Guy words are real terms that apply to plenty of ppl but most everybody would never identify as any of them openly. So for reasons pertaining to legality, ego, or maybe just delusion- all the phobic's and ism's use this "protagonist of my own story" bullshit to vaguely normalize that nasty ass behavior until they eventually fit into a setting where it's possible to shroud that mindset in manufactured nobility and perceive pompous behavior as humble and epic. Until someone else who looks alike comes along and says some shit like "YEAH BRO FACTS DONT CARE ABOUT THEIR FEELINGS BUT OUR OPINIONS ARE OBJECTIVE FACT BECAUSE REASONS. AND ALL THESE PEOPLE OF THE OPPOSITE SEX OR NEIGHBORING MINORITY GROUP JUST HAVE A SELFISH VICTIM COMPLEX BUT WE'RE SPECIFICALLY THE ONLY ONES AROUND WHO FACE SYSTEMIC INJUSTICE BECAUSE WE'RE THE PROTAGONISTS OF THE WHOLE WORLD AND OTHER PEOPLE ARE JUST SIDE PIECES, YA KNOW, BECAUSE WE'RE UNDIAGNOSED SOCIOPATHS AND/OR MALICOUS CRIMINALS THAT NEVER GOT CAUGHT- WHO ALSO HAPPEN TO BE DEEPLY INVESTED IN CULTURAL POLITICS AND SOCIAL CONTROVERSIES. RIGHT GUUYS?!"


Yeah I'm not speaking for the effectiveness of it as a way of changing minds or something, I just think the blunt delivery is really funny here


Then someone says 'FINALLY SOMEONE GETS IT' and they dunno how to escape the joke


The audio on this one is pretty quiet, especially at the beginning. But good work!!


I didn't understand the autism joke tho, lmk if anyone else got it lol


Same that one was a non-sequitor to me, maybe I'm too autistic for it


Nvm, I rewatched that part and I just got it- he's saying that telling a joke around autistic people would be an example of "mogging" because you're showing off a skill they don't have. The irony here, ow

Nicole godzillaeyes Hall

I think there is that other (non-jreg) series spinoff from TMI in which Autism is a huge muscular guy, I thought that representation might have been what he was referring to but I wasn't sure.


Day after my birthday is the beta uprising