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This is some exceptionally nutube content 


Bad Introvert Memes

Schizoid time B)



I havent seen it yet but this video is already 10/10. Nice moves glorp, keep it up!


Relatable memes are just cancer in general, but you may be on to something about how these memes are enablers for antisocial behavior.


meme: *describes basic human experience* me: haha yeah meme: this makes us so uniquely alone in society!


As with so many labels, personality traits or types can easily turn into excuses about why people can't change or improve. The beautiful thing about brains is you get to learn and adapt! You're never stuck as you are!


As a self-identifying extrovert, I can confirm that I actually am a soulless automata with zero inner monologue. Loving the “I No Longer Identify as a Skittish Artsy Sadboi, Do Not Fucking @ Me” character arc for you. Bless.


(Also r/extroverts exists, but edgy introverts have cyberbullied the smol sub almost entirely out of existence, if u check the sub the like, top post is encouraging people to migrate to r/extroversion)


Good one! I like these condescending, scornful videos where you roast specifically me and tear my ego apart (i dont even identify as introvert and i feel called out) with that mocking and detesting spite in your voice, strong approval, keep exploring into this sadomasochistic torrent if you want to, i would very much like that


…did u just thank him for feeding ur verbal degradation kink? I…