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idk if this is gonna get me sued or not lol


Behind the scenes of doing ads on this channel



Ah yes, 2 in the morning. The perfect time to watch a 20 minute video


there's such a "the book club" in these videos. when are you guys gonna collab (if he ever comes back from his walk.


poggers. glad i stayed up late for a reason


YES I always wanted this!


Don’t they not exist anymore? Can’t sue if your corporate assets have been liquidated, Rumblaz!!! GOTTEM


(Ok but seriously tho, there would be an exclusivity clause, or a distribution clause if you weren’t allowed to reuse content you made for their platform and/or didn’t retain the rights to it. So you would know. Also, didn’t they like, never pay you? Which is… uh. Understandable lmao. But in most cases, that’s enough to void your contract.)


this is physically painful to watch.......................... great work!


I will give you an entire dollar worth of Ethereum if you get on Urbit and join my dragonsphere group


Your ads are some of the best content you make oh my god. #5 is killing me. 6 and 7 too oh my god 1 minute is the perfect amount of time to make something go on JUST too long and be hilariously awkward lmao. 8 too. ............................. I made the mistake of trying to hit the bong during 10 right when you said " I admire and respect it." Lost it. Managed to prevent a spill but now I am in pain. One should not laugh that hard with that much smoke in their lungs. ................ FANGED NOUMENA LMAO a man of taste. Nick Land is fucking nuts. Also a fucking genius. But also fucking nuts. I downloaded a bunch of lectures of his from a research group he taught with and listen to them when I sleep sometimes. If you're gonna replace your personality with a book Fanged Noumena is... if not a good choice, at least a very interesting one. FFF okay I'd say similar about pretty much any of these books lmao. Except one. One is actually great. But like you I'll leave my political opinions vague and not say which one of those books isn't tripe - because who actually the fuck cares? ..................... WHOA. Those last few. That was fantastic. ..................... And of course they didn't get it. It's like these advertisers don't watch anything you do at all. This was all perfectly on brand, and personally I'm enough of a fan to get a kick out of you jerking us around for 60 seconds a day with nothing, because you're good at making that entertaining, until you spontaneously have something real to say. If they'd actually paid you to keep just... tossing out bullshit content at 60 seconds a day... well I think a lot of the time art comes from the doing. The simple act of having to do that every day would have led a creative mind like yourself to interesting ideas, even if most days you just stared into a screen for the people who find even that funny. Too bad advertisers don't understand your content.


#5.... jreg do you. not blink?????


Top tier content