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Mistakes I Made While Making My Webseries



Jr. Egg, you take all the time you need.


The anarchist infighting episode wasn't a mistake I loved that one :( (Largely because of queer anarchist asking for a date directly into the camera, but that's neither here nor there)


im happy you decided to share your kaleidoscopic mind with the internet, it's like listening to my own friends talk except every now and then I'd hear the Canadian "sorry" like nails on a chalkboard. But it's different, yknow, you've got yourself a community that will stay. I'll def stay. Keep it up 👏


episode 5 was rly good dont listen to those people


I wish Commie had his Communist Internationale, but overall a very fun series. I got a patreon for your work for a reason


Seeing Greg Guevara is always a delightful time! thank you so much for the work that you put in :)


Jesus Christ, Centricide 7 was originally going to be more than twice as long? Oh... oh man. Seriously though I hope you return to the "viewer has a choice of two videos" format at some point. It was super cool and still has so much unused potential. Especially for making a point about something like group identity.


The best part of this video was hearing you say "I will forgive myself". That's touching, because it's so hard to do. I really enjoyed Centricide. Take a break and chill, most of us will be here when you get back.


Patreon exclusive Centricide 7 Director's Cut?


In all seriousness, thank you for making this video. Don't feel bad for taking a break because you know you're bettering yourself.


This is so rad. Thanks


omfg daddy the crunchy sound of you fuckin around in the show is soooo cummies it makes me feel like we're on a date <3 xox


i literally clapped when you slurped at the camera holy shit


There’s something really amazing about the idea that jreg cut his unironic political beliefs for time


The web series was absolutely amazing. I enjoyed it. On a random unrelated note, what you were saying about making mistakes and learning from them was really...nice to hear. I needed to hear it.


You've gotten really good at these kinda... discussion(?) videos, you seem a lot more comfortable and confident in what you have to say, and that's not always an easy thing to accomplish. So like congrats, man. But also is...Is that how stairs work in Canada?