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RT post-election analysis



Jreg just showed that RT is not as based as they thought they were


Good job lmao


This made me uncomfortable. Some real Nathan For You shit. Nice job


I think some kind of spoken commentary in post, even just at the beginning and end, would make the whole thing a lot more cohesive and draw in people who aren't already familiar with the interview.


I think your room lighting, clothing, and haircut make you look like a lunatic cartoon villain here. Perfect.


I love how he expects longer answers and there's just an uncomfortable pause


It is perfecto *chefs kiss* Thank you for somehow including the slow zooms my brain was doing after every "Jreg has spoken again" awkward silence with such painful accuracy. Tho... I do remember there being a part in the original stream where you just said "No." to a kind of long winded question Ben had and everyone was extremely silent waiting for you to elaborate and you just did not. I understand if it messed with the pacing *shrugs*


If you click on the link to the original interview, do you get the live chat still?


https://youtu.be/aEBJvWA0GbY you can see the live chat here


Who let you do this?


Good job on being a level 1 satirist


Also, apparently you are getting close to being part the new status quo


Man, your profile back at HQ is going to get quite a bit larger after this one. Nice work!


Seems like a good edit


Oof. Hahaha. Well done! They’re reactions are priceless. They are so uncomfortable!


When you zoom in at 2:55, I think it would look better to have it follow the edge/not have the corner of the footage leave the corner of the video. The zoom at 4:34 looked better imo. You could also let the sound fade out a bit for added effect if you wanted. I like that you sped up the biden speech. I think that the time you mentioned anprims was fantastic, you should have that in. I think it was a good idea to have captions for the living in Canada part. it's very funny that you left out your comment about how many edgy teens identify as anarchists tbh. not part of The Feedback or anything, i just noticed it. I think that you can cut down the part after you leave to start at the "i gotta tell you.." instead of including the announcing of the new guest. also what do you mean they edited the russia part out?


It is amusing how you interact with rt people, but I would say that your edit is boring and parts of it feel disconnected from one another Maybe a commentary would suffice, or you might add more of other quests speaking to give context If it’s possible you might consider posting the whole thing It should be fun If I see 1,5 hour video I do not anticipate densely-packed jokes


Super good. I think shows like this are perfect places for you to go with this


I can't find it in the original cut of the video so I think they edited out, did I just miss it?


He was only on for about 20min and only spoke for around 10 of them! but I agree that some parts felt disconnected


The edit you went with might as well be called "Ben Swann is in Pain and I Caused It"