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Just a rough cut, could use some feedback. First time I'm doing Outside Stuff 


People Don't Change Their Mind | Change My Mind (Draft 1)

Rough cut



I am getting really impressed by your acting as time goes on. I cant believe all the other characters are you!


i have no helpful comments, just wanted to say i love the video :))


I appreciate the sincere moments at the end.


Your voice overs are funny and effective. In my opinion, the talk with the statistics guy kind of takes the air out the video. The first two chats make it seem like the video is about the changing your mind aspect, and then that guy comes and the whole tone feels a lot more sarcastic.


Honestly, it’s postable as is. The editing is solid but idk what the raws were so couldn’t say entirely if you left some gold on the floor. It’s a decent blend between your old vlog-style vids and current satire style. Only recs I can really make would be applying sound effects or visual cards but that shit is time consuming so it’s pretty understandable if you leave it raw.


The guy in the middle felt a bit too long but I liked the other guys also the fan at the end looks like exactly the type of dude who enjoys your content and I love it


That's fantastic, oh lord


The last guy ❤️❤️


At 1:48 he basically points out the irony of the video concept. (An unsuccessful debate is a successful debate for you). Because of this some people will have the revelation spoilt so this clip should really be nearer the end of the video. Also the video could benefit from being a bit longer like ~2 minutes longer if you have a bit more footage to show. Like don’t be too attached to being concise because this video style could easily be 15 minutes no problem if you have enough conversations as long as you’re not purposefully making the video fluffy like some people on yt.


This is a cool format, I'd like to see more of you going out onto campus' and just asking people stuff.


Comment on the second to last guy: he admits that he is not informed, you could make a quick voice over jab at him, something something centrists


I would cut out the vo saying that these parts dont match theme, it honestly just makes the video seem less well thought out. I think the "last clip" of the video could easily be of the fan, and then after that, the part with the centrists could play after the video is "over." Like let bonus footage be bonus footage, people like content. You dont have to apologize for it not fitting the theme.


need more close up shots of your face


Ok holy shit “Radicalization Bonus Round” akkschully made me lol XD irl, maed mi dae not a maymay


The edit you’ve posted on YouTube is very good, much better than this one! I would have left just a little more of “statistics” guy though - the part when you make up your data and then say “this is a lie! All statistics are lies!” was hilarious


wait if you want *actual* reasons people don't change their minds def look into [Logical Fallacies](https://www.logicalfallacies.org/), there's DOZENS of them, also [Influence: The Psychology of Persuasion](https://www.goodreads.com/book/show/28815.Influence) is an oldie but a goodie, maybe even poke around rhetoric more generally as a concept. might not be like directly related to what you're trying to do here but there's prolly some tools in there to work/play with if you do similar stuff down the line


The one you posted was amazing holy shit