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Ostensively about how my career could end at a snap of Wojcizski's fingers but actually meandering about nothing


How This Ends

This video is about How This Ends



sir. please go to sleep


ow my soul hurts really bad now 😔❤️


To quote an incredibly inspiring artist who encouraged me to ride the line of edge when I was afraid to: "Feel your fear and follow through anyway, why make something that doesn't scare you?"


Big man I hope you are doing well, as my dumb bitch cuck therapist says “you have the capability of getting through any mental hurdle”.


Feels man


i was super into this video then the ending just came up and smacked me in the face


also, seriously and genuinely hope you are doing well jreg


POV: you're my cat


I liked hearing you speak. Excited for you to keep making art


that’s deep, I always say that life is just the eb and flow of beginnings and endings, and I’m usually happy that something decided to start at all


Mmmm I see this video as a reaction to the purge of the 30 of June, in one way you put a millstone on the fact that you are a part of the oppress community, mental healness, probably dépressif with suicidal thoughts. In the same time you go deeper in the meta direction, reminds me of "tambien la lubia" à movie with at least four layers, I don't know how much meta you can go sir, know that your crew will prefer sink with you but surrender, MAY BY you can prepare to abandon the youtube sea, which is unfeasted with nazbol sjw ready to sink your channel for the 4 Reich of Biden and go in the bit chute swamps, you have survive the 1st wave, but it will not be the last, only the fact that you give flaws and quality to some caracters is more than enough to cancel you. I really think they are going to kill all the controversials channels just before the Americans elections in order to dominate the narrative on the mass media, all of that said you have here a French fan who's impress by your hability to stay one the hedge.


I'm also a pessimistic, neurotic person. I do have OCD like symptoms like obsessing over things. But being aware of having mental problems doesn't make the mental problems go away.


Greg, listen man. With your what you call "art" is much more than that to me. You talking like this is just another video that can make me not feel so alone with those types of feelings. Ive outcasted myself for much of my life in all sorts of politics that I would essentially be putting on a costume just like you do to play a character. The way you just put it all together and just make it work is incredible. I really do feel like I need you and I'm sure others feel like that too. If you were to leave id have no choice but to make your ideas live on and try to take your place. Your ideas are worth living for, and I'd be willing to die for them.


"Invest more in the community than I do in myself..." sounds kinda socialist to me. 🤔


Right now I have barely any money but I make sure I always have just enough for patronage. After I'm certified as an airplane mechanic, I'm going to raise my fee by quite a bit because the content you create, lit a fire underneath my ass. Pushed me to do insane things like work on wind turbines, now I'm moving on to something bigger because I know there is people out there that need me like I needed you.


Omg, jreg is basically a huge pussy! (Jk, love you, take care)


I usually only like one or two songs from an artist, I mostly despite modern pop music. But sometimes I find an artist where I like all of his content. Now, I'm not much of a youtube person, I don't spend a lot of time there and when I do it tends to be nerdy stuff about science. There is maybe 2 or 3 channel of which I systematically watch their video, none of which post remotely as often as you. They mean nothing to me compared to your content. I like all of your content from the old stuff on the other channel to the new videos, for what it's worth you are very unique to me. I don't know you and you don't know me but I know that I hope you won't end too soon.

Pouya Sattari

Lmao you have a parasocial relationship with youtube's algorithm

Pouya Sattari

I'm from one of the Iranian cultures the Persian Shah (another of Hitler's BFFs) imposed fascist restrictions on, effectively sending *my* culture down a slippery slope to being eroded away and forgotten bit by bit. Honestly good fucking riddance to both the end Azari and Persian cultures, including that center.


The line between a creator and their audience is a tricky line to tread on. Thought the end is inevitable, I will always be glad (as I am now) to have been a part of this community. This community has impacted me as it has impacted you, and I know that I will always look back fondly on your channel with nostalgia. I wish you the best after the end, and may you continue doing what you love to do, and find people who love that you do what you love. But, for now, where’s centricide 7 you fucking dunce


I liked this, I’ve been here since a bit (can’t remember how long exactly) before your patreon, although I only pledge a dollar, you’re the only person I’ve genuinely felt like I wanted to try to contribute to, I am not the most well off but I’m more than surviving so I do not mind parting with a dollar a month. Although your content has changed a lot, I have always enjoyed your humor and appreciated the humanity that you hold in many of your videos similar to this one. “The ability to end something myself is a very good thing.” This sticks with me a bit, they say that the make it or break it part of the artwork that separates the amateur from the greats is one stroke and when you think about endings and you said that it conjured that little saying. If you use a stroke too much people will say, oh he doesn’t know when to stop he has ruined the piece but on the opposite “end” of the same coin if you use one less stroke than you should have, you have left the piece unfinished, you left the project unfulfilled, etc... That’s just my thoughts, I hope to continue consuming your content in the future whatever that looks like, you have brought me many good days and friends through your content and community, thank you.

Pouya Sattari

I say this cause ultimately culture doesn't exist, isn't real. People are, and they adopt aspects of multiple cultures and sub-cultures over time in how they dress, organize their room, etc. The idea of individual cultures is too restrictive, as in such nationalistic identity tends to limit people to a specific sort of life-style. Humans justifiably end up thinking 'this is what I need to do to be happy', but when they play the game by conditions set by others, of course they become depressed. That building may disappear, but the people will move on and it will be replaced with something else.


Jurj your inflection is cute noo


I’m grateful you’ve had this opportunity as well. I’ve enjoyed your art. As silly as this sounds, your art has actually made look at the world in a different way. Your clown videos especially helped me look at depression a different way while also giving me a dose of existentialism, but I don’t mind. I’m realizing that pain can be addictive. Of course I love your centricide series. Who doesn’t. I understand not wanting to live in the safety zone. For me personally, I always make things overcomplicated, and then I put myself into complicated, challenging situations. However, I love it. I can’t stop going after what I want, no matter how improbable the goal may be. Anyways, when this ends, I hope you have success in whatever projects you decide to do. I have no idea how long I’ll be around, but I’m interested in seeing what else you do with this channel. That’s all I guess. Thank you for showing us this side of you.


jreg i love u bro no homo


The paragraphs are a bit cringe imo

lain taylor

i'm just now watching this but i love this omg this feels so personal, like some of your greg guevara stuff

lain taylor

i dunno, bruh, i don't want to get too feelsy, but i think your content is really entertaining and i do jenuinely feel that you provide something unique that matters to the internet. from my growing experience with collaborating with you and corresponding due to that collaboration i've gleaned that you're a pretty cool dude and i can tell that you're filled with spirit and a drive to create, no matter what it is. i think you have the soul of an incredibly creative human being, and it shows in your work ethic and the clear flurry of ideas swirling around in your brain all the time. if this ends, i believe it'll begin somewhere else in an even cooler way than jreg did! so, keep it up!


it's crazy to me that everyone with an iq over like 70 has thoughts like this, will my career end suddenly, what will I do when I lose someone I love and knowledge that death waits every man, it really does give life meaning