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In this tutorial you will see how to connect the Discord and Patreon platforms to access exclusive content.


Tutorial to Connect Discord and Patreon

In this tutorial you will see how to connect the Discord and Patreon platforms to access exclusive content.



Thanks for the tutoral, but it don't work for me. I cannot access the discord channel.

Thomas Polk

Luriel, apparently I wasn't clear. I have no problem connecting my Patreon to Discord. I have 20 Patreon artists with Discord channels and maybe 50 more nonPatreon. How do I locate yours? Discord does not alphabetize them. That's why I asked for a direct connect link.


Sorry for the misunderstood Thomas, i leave a screen of the discord channel in your chat, maybe you can find it with that, if u not let me know and we think a new solution 🤔