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Hi guys, I wanted to consult you, which GUI you like best, is that I was implementing the code in the novel, for the new function of "work" that Ben will have, and investigating a little, I decide to change the GUI of the game. I hope that either of them like it (they are previous images, I still have to fix some things and use the final images), of course any comments and / or suggestions are welcome. Hugs



I vote for number one simply because it's somewhat transparent and the text box is right where all the good man bits would be on display when talking to characters and I definitely don't want that blocked out. 😁


Hahaha very well thought out Pentasphere 😉, anyway, the two interfaces, incorporate the "Hide" button, to be able to see the complete image without the game interface.


Well, actually both are blocking "that" part. For me, no.2 is perhaps somewhat better. In general, it is always better if you have only few icons and all in one place and not to split them around the whole screen.


Yes, both are blocking "that" part, but with the first one being semi-transparent you can clearly see that he's wearing a belt, while with the second one you can't tell at all. So that interface doesn't block it nearly as much. I can certainly see why you like the second though, you brought up a good point as well. Having all the icons in one place would be better...while having a semi-transparent text box at the same time! Mix the two best aspects together! Everybody wins!


I think the rule no. 1 is: In case there is something to be admired, never cover it with anything :-)) But Luriel certainly already got our message 😁