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The writers of This is Financial Advice discuss the based-on-a-true-story film Dumb Money starring Paul Dano and Seth Rogan


Dumb Money: A Vlog

It's a vlog about dumb Money



this has reminded me: a bunch of posters went up for this a few weeks ago and the one i pass by on my commute home has been vandalized such that the title is no longer visible

Echoes from Elsewhere

Btw, I'm now getting that Idris Elba Gold ad, that you mentioned on stream, all the time. Especially on Memory Alpha wikia

Deko Puma

I just finished reading The Naked Truth, the book in this video. One thing that really struck me is that is incredible how so many of the conspiracies surrounding CMKX back in 2007 are almost identical to the GME conspiracies that apes are peddling in 2024.