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I want to thank everyone for their feedback on the draft of This is Financial Advice posted a couple days ago. It's reassuring that so many of you enjoyed it even in a janky, incomplete state with broken audio, missing graphics, and alternate takes.

That said, the feedback has revealed the extent of some significant structural problems that will take more time to address than originally anticipated. It is likely at the moment that the video will not be done until shortly after I return from PAX West.

But, on that note, if you are going to be attending PAX West I will be set up at the Film Joy table in Band Camp, they have graciously offered me some table space, and will have spare My Cohendolences cards for sale. Also also, Mikey and I will be doing a panel Saturday evening, 5:30 in the Monarch theatre, about life on YouTube. We will be bringing BTS footage and some fun and games.

Cheers, everyone!



Oh, oops


While you are at PAX, please look for a young Guillermo Del Toro that isn't cursing in a Canadian accent under something that says BIGMODE. That is Dunkey and he is cool as hell.


This was a great start. I thought the beginning was a little rough but I think this has the same “line goes up” energy. Cheers.

Kailey Allen

Very late to the party, but the television flashing at 34:20 is a bit headache inducing.


With the movie Dumb Money coming out, I see some are pushing the narrative of retail investors winning over wall street again and not all the agony and pain self inflicted by the apes who have been chasing that high of 2021 ever since. It would be interesting to watch how the movie handles it after reading the interview I don't have much hope for it.