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Next thing's coming along, here's a little Friday fooling around because I spent most of the afternoon mudding drywall and was too brain tired to write after I got home but still felt compelled to make something.


Patreon Macro 01

Written and performed by Dan Olson


Kathy Clysm

"They have a lot of character" is how my grandpa talks about his work pants he hot-glued back together for the 5th time last week

Georgia H

This made me go back and scrub through TIFA to really appreciate the document close ups. Gorgeous. Super cool to see the ink blemishes/paper texture when you're highlighting just a couple of words. I hadn't consciously clocked the difference between these shots and the screenshots of digital text, but your work is always beautiful and filmic and tangible in a way that I (a non film-maker) could not specifically analyze. Just cool techniques working on my brain behind the scenes. Love to see the specific effort behind one of a multitude of many high-effort choices, I'm sure. I also wanted to say I'm loving the 2024 patron vids so far! They're nice to have between the big video drops. Hope you've been enjoying these smaller/looser vids, too.