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The animation is finished. It has now been sent to VA.
The preliminary release date is December 9.
Duration ~12m 30sec.

From October to November, my patreon will be on pause. This means that there will be no charge. Subscription renewal will be free.




Even I'm impressed by how well this has turned out. Lots of new tricks, techniques, assets and workflows for Hold to master in making this animation. The fun thing is that everything that has been developed is applicable to all the future releases that Hold is going to be producing. There's still room for refinement of fiddly little details (here and there), but that's an iterative process that happens with experience and familiarity. I'm quite happy with how the visuals for this animation turned out and am looking forward to seeing how much better it's going to be with sound added!

the nameless dud

What does it mean that its been sent to VA?