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**Synergy Script Required** for bucket controls, **FIVEM only!**

Addon Included but bucket will only go up and down toggle boot and bonnet.

Theebus Discord for Synergy!  https://discord.gg/SvxZj2h


Discord Server


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Terms of Service

-Distribution of any of our assets/models is strictly prohibited

- Bagged Custom's owns rights to all models. Claiming that you created our models can and will result in legal action.

-Attempting to 'rip' or steal any of our assets is strictly prohibited

- Bagged Custom's is not responsible for any damage done to your computer or server.

-All models have been tested thoroughly

- Bagged Custom's  does not allow any refunds or charge backs for Patreon mod or donations

-Models donated to  Bagged Custom's  with or without request can be denied use for projects or fixtures




Any way you'd make a bigger bucket truck like an international or freightliner?