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I am sorry.

I believe that ASMR should be a community dedicated to trust, safety, and healing. I have broken that trust, violated people’s safety, and hurt, rather than heal – all through lies.

I acknowledge what I did wrong, recognise the pain it has caused, and accept blame for what I did. I lied to my wife, lied to the people who I hurt, lied to the community, lied to myself, and I lied to you.

By now everything I have ever said or done has been shared online. We live in an age where people cannot get away with this kind of behaviour, and that is a good thing. I deserve this. If you ever notice behaviour like this in yourself or others, please ask for help.

With the support of my wife, I am currently receiving that help. And with the support of those who I have hurt, and members of the community I have written to or who have reached out, I am working to make amends for the wrongs that I have done.

I am so sorry to everyone I have hurt. Everyone I have wronged. Everyone I have lied to. And everyone I have let down. I am sorry to you.

My first priority is my wife, who, despite everything, has stood beside me and supported me through this. She loves me, and I love her. All I can do is change for the better and make that change real through what I do from this point forward. And that is to make amends.

It will be a long journey, but I hope that you will join me on it, so that together we can realise the mistakes we make don’t define us, but how we correct them does.

I believe that ASMR should be a community dedicated to trust, safety, and healing. I want to rebuild that trust with you, feel safe again, and get the help I need to heal, so that I can help others to heal too. So that I can eventually forgive myself.

I will be donating January’s payments to a mental health charity. I appreciate that those of you who have stood by me during all of this have donated your money to support the content I create, and with your continued support, that content is something I intend to keep creating.

Thank you.



Good on you


Take time. Heal. Love. Learn. Grow.


You know my point. Take your time and take care. We're here.


I never gave up on you, Jim. Never once doubted you. Thank you for reaching out and our group will always be there to support you. Your wife is like your own guardian angel, you are blessed.


Thanks for this heartfelt message, Jim. It is appreciated. You are doing the right thing. I like that you’re donating to this charity. I’m hoping the best for you and your wife. I am here and looking forward to the day when you can return. Xoxo 🖤




Like said before, take the time you need to heal and grow. I am here too.


Hey Jim, Just know that making mistakes is human and no one is perfect. I have nothing but respect for you and the way you have been dealing with this situation. Just know that there are still a lot of us out there who support you. Many us actually became closer than we have ever been! We still do sync tubes, hang out together , have calls and just enjoy your work together. The witch hunt that has been started is harmful and toxic in every aspect of it. To much information has been leaked online. I believe much of it has been pulled out of context as well. So Jim please know your feelings are valid as well and it's okay not to be okay sometimes. You are working hard to "fix" the mistakes that are made. Which is most likely a long and hard journey. Take all the time you need and take good care of yourself and your loved ones. We can wait and won't go anywhere. We believe in you, your work and will support you where we can . I don't know you personally but your work means a lot to me. A lot of your videos helped me through some very rough times and they still do to these days. So for that I also wanted to say thank you. Thank you for the videos, stories and the characters you created. Thank you for the escape from reality we so desperately need. Thank you for the friends I have made in your community. And thank you for being so open and honest about everything that's going on. Thank you for being you. Hang in there and stay awesome!


We all fuck up, we're all human. I said before the important part is how we pick ourselves up and choose to resolve things. Being able to acknowledge and admit failings takes a strength in itself. I was always behind you Jim. I don't like to project myself into things, as this isnt about me, but as someone who has been through something similar in the past with my husband, I hope it bring you... Er hope. It is possible to overcome this. I took from it if you can both love and be loved at your worst then nothing further can break you. I wish the best for you and your wife in overcoming this.


im glad to hear that you're recieving help you need. i sincerely wish you and your wife all the best on the way of healing. take care, jim


I support you. Stable mental health takes a lot of time and effort, I know from personal experience. Super glad to hear you wife still loves and supports you, that makes all the difference in the world. Remember there are people who think of you often and truly want the best for you. Thank you for sharing.


I'm not sure what happened, but I'm glad you're seeking support nonetheless. We're here for you.


Thank you for reaching out to us Jim. I will always be here. Your Content is something that got me through my hardest times and I cannot put into words how much that means to me. Take your time and take care.


Oooft. I was there right in the beginning when you had 100 subs and only a few patrons. But, I can't support someone who lacks a moral compass and abuses women.


I'm still with you. We all make mistakes were not perfect..in glad that you are able to see the error and are willing to change. That's the bravest thing anyone can do. Thank you. You've helped like in times of true darkness I will always be by your side .


That's my boy! I'm so proud of you! 🤗🤗🤗🤗


Hi Jim. Thank you for your message this morning, and thank you for being honest. Your wife sounds like a wonderful person and you are blessed to have her in your life. I wish nothing but the best for both of you and I hope you can heal together and move past this ugliness in love. Thank you for owning your part and your behavior in this situation. I respect you for that. Everyone makes mistakes. Some little, some big. Unfortunately, the ripple effect of the events of last week was big and lots of people got hurt. But I believe in you. I believe you when you say you’re going to do the hard work to heal and to make amends. I’m not going anywhere. I still support you. Take whatever time you need. Take care of your wife. Take care of you. It’s gonna be okay. You still have a lot of people out here who care about you and your well-being. Yesterday a quote showed up in my life unexpectedly and I thought of you. It said, “one bad chapter doesn’t mean your story is over”. I’m so glad to hear that you want to come back. Your story isn’t over. 💜


Good to hear you’re healing, friend. All the best to you.


This is a sign of strength, courage, hope and love. No one is flawless, me neither, it's human nature. The mistakes we make, don't define who we are. But how we resolve them, does. You deserve to heal and to be happy with your wife. Take all the time you need. You two will grow out of this stronger than ever before. Thank you for all that you gave to us with your content. It has helped many people and we all should be thoughtful in the future.


Well said Jim, and I wish you the very best. The message is full of hope and optimism, recognising your mistakes and learning from them. Moving forward and looking to a positive future.


Dearest Jim. I am just comforted to know that you are finding peace in such a turbulent time. From the first moment I discovered you, I knew that you were a good person. Never be afraid to say what you feel, and never be afraid to feel what you say. Not just to me, but to everyone, you are more important than you'll ever imagine. Do these words sound familiar? You said them to us during our times of trial. I now echo them back to you in the hopes that they comfort you as they have and still do comfort us. Our vow to you is that we will never leave your side. Forever and a day. 🌹🌹🌹


Thank you, Jim, for your message and for apologizing. Just glad to hear you are receiving help and I sincerely wish you and your lovely wife all the best, to heal together and come through this together. I will continue to support you, I am not going to abandon you and will be waiting patiently for when you are ready to return to us. Take your time, my friend. Much love and kindness to you, your wife and your cats. 💖💖💖💖


I'm glad that you'll still support Jim then, as he has a moral compass and did not abuse anyone. Well done to you. 🌹🌹🌹


Take your time to get better Jim, we'll be here when you're ready to return. I discovered your videos when i was in a low and hurting point in my life, when I'd lost and dear and close family member. Your content had helped me to get through it. And in kind i want to return the favor with my support. I believe in you and pray that you find peace with yourself, your family and find yourself in a better place mentally, emotionally and physically. Lots of love Jim♡


Thanks for reaching out and apologizing. There's been a lot of hurt all around but I'm glad you are owning your part in all this and working to get better. I hope you and your wife find healing.

Anthea the Tiefling

This is a big step, to admit that you have done wrong and apologize for your actions. Its the first step in not only healing but to regain trust. I sincerely hope that you, your wife and those hurt by this can find time to heal.




I am of the opinion that no one deserves the pretty ruthless response that some parts of the community gave you. Am glad you have the love and support of your wife and that you’re getting help. I respect your strength and perseverance and am looking forward to being here as you rebuild and grow from the experience.


years ago i made some terrible choices and came very close to ruining my life. one person stood by me, without whose support i probably would not have survived, nevermind have done the work i needed to in order to genuinely change. i was lucky. i decided then that, if i could, i would be a similar support for others who found themselves having to rebuild from the ground up. even if it's just through a small act like maintaining a patreon pledge. take care of yourself.


Hey Jim idk of you even read these but like.....I just made it through detox and started my rehab for chemical addiction and, hell, I did it I’m DOING it and I think you can too. I am a believer in recovery and healing, I have to be, because of my myself. So I hope you are taking care, and I hope to see you again when you are ready ❤️


Thank you for your message. Looking forward to your return. Perhaps your candor will inspire others to take a good hard look into their own closets and seek some help if they don't like what they see. Times like these help us to determine who our real friends are. ❤


Jim, thank you for your kind message. I just want to say I know I have done horrible things that I wouldn’t want to share with everyone, hurt people, burned bridges, and been mortified by my behavior in the past. I’m sure no one is a saint, we all have things we’re sorry for. I’m so glad that you are turning things around for you and your family. I know we want you back when you are feeling better. Take care of yourself. Forgiveness is a wonderful thing, for all of us. ☀️☀️☀️


Well....thank you for the update dude, I was wondering how you guys were coping through all this, as I said before I don't condone anything that happened but I also realize that being human is one of our greatest flaws, falling out of the waylines can happen to any of us and I would hope if it ever happens to me that I would find the help and the chance for forgiveness to help the healing and the moving forward, I wish nothing but the best for you both on this journey and many blessings to keep on keeping on because the world is struggling right now and that's the last thing we need is anymore animosity so all I'm saying is "my sword by your side" Stay frosty out there! <3


I feel this was a great start to the healing process. Thank you Jim.


I wish you the best of luck ❤️


Jim! You are an amazing and talented dude!! I'm sorry your personal life has to be played out in public..it is YOUR business...I miss your cool vids and can't wait for you to be back! Sending you and you family much love and healing :)


I never doubted you for a second SJ. I’m a firm believer in innocent till proven guilty with actual proof not doctored screenshots. I am completely aware you fucked up, but it just means you’re a flawed human being like the rest of us. As someone who’s been in a similar position I felt I never had the right to judge you. The rest of it was none of my damn business. As I said recently to someone we both know, ‘People are more than the sum of their mistakes’. More than anything I am really happy you and your wife are supporting each other and working together to heal from this. What doesn’t break you makes you stronger. You helped me climb out of the deepest darkest pit I had ever been in last year. The least I could do was to stand by you while you figure out how to climb out of yours. I have continued to watch your videos and make fan art so when you do come back I might have at least a quarter of the number pictures Mirri has done of you finished. Fingers crossed 🤞🏾❤️


Jim. Thank you for reaching out to us today . I will just echo what everybody else is saying , and confess that I also have done things in my life that I’m not proud of. I do want to say that I hope you appreciate the love your wife has for you. There are a lot of people who would love to have that in their lives. ❤️


Hello sweet one. At first I was very angry but I'm not anymore. I believe your apology is sincere and I'm relieved you're getting help. It's funny. I'm not an overly religious person, but I found myself praying for you before all of this happened. I think I sensed something was off. I will continue to pray for your wellbeing. I suspect there are some deeply rooted things going on here and it will take time for you and your wife to heal. This will take some time, a lot of time. I hope you come back to us, but please be sure to manage your time so that you're not taking time away from your wife. Regarding the lies, there are so many accusations swirling around regarding who you really are. You didn't need to lie to us about that. We would have loved you anyway. If you come back to us, maybe that would be a good place to start. Let us see the real you. My heart goes out to you. I wish you healing and happiness.


Smile though your heart is aching, Smile even though it’s breaking, When there are clouds in the sky, You’ll get by, If you smile through your fear and sorrow Smile and maybe tomorrow You’ll find that life is still worth while If you just, Light up your face with gladness Hide every trace of sadness Although a tear may be ever so near That’s the time you must keep on trying Smile what the use in crying You’ll find that life is still worth while If you just smile..... 🌹Smile, Jim 🌹


If he comes back, it will be when he's mentally and emotionally ready.


Don't worry Sunshine, we all have our shoulder angel and demon, and sometimes the demon can be very manipulative, I have said things about people who are personally around me too, so no one will ever be perfect.


You’re my friend.. we talk enough you know how I feel and where I stand. You know you’re not alone on this journey. I just want to say that I applaud the choice of donation. x


I believe in rehabilitation and not condemnation. Do the work, rebuild, and learn first hand that you will be loved and accepted for who really you are.... and not the masks you projected. I wish everyone healing.


My Patreon answer to Jim's apology. I want to cover this with sugar, but I won't completely, besides I'm not sure if you will read this and it doesn't matter it's not just for you, so I will be blunt, direct and honest as I can because I'm mostly quiet but when I want to share something, someone needs to shut me up. I'm very glad you apologize at least by here before it became worse. And there's some people out there who said things that made me want to..... It stressed me out, called you a narcissist, implying ans stating a lot of things and a lot of things without you being able to defend yourself, I was not in your side but that's not fair. I'm not an innocent pigeon myself, I have done said some things from other people behind my back, because some did it to me too, but that not an excuse from doing it and hurting someone and I regret it, but this whole ordeal has remind me again and teach me to be aware of who you support. I still support you, but I am one of the loyal followers who's really mad at what I found out at what you did and you need to get your crap together, you have to not just for your own good but and for your followers but for your loved ones who you have around, specially your wife, no one is perfect but from what I sense, she's have such a wonderful person. I really really really do hope both of you are taking care mentally and emotionally and you are having proper professional treatment. I going to believe your apology because a part of me I guess by the sense of it still cares for you, don't know why, but I do, maybe because I know a part of you in there it still is a sensible and caring being, it just hiding and wants to come back and stay for good. The fact that you took 'Accountability' and didn't made the apology about yourself, if it's all honest then thank you so much and I want to still be here for you in spirit for your healing process. And if it's true, I thank you so much for giving January's money from your Patreons to a Mental Health Charity, I really appreciate it. It's your life and you can do what you want and I have a feeling you know better, so stay away from social media as much as you can by now, do your best for your wife's and your own good, come back when you're mentally and emotionally ready. Jim just wish you the very best, don't desire anything bad for you, no excuse to say no one is perfect but no one is, and I'll be one of the ones who will be here for you. 🌻


Congrats! It takes a lot of courage and strengh to do it. Good luck on your recovery! 💪


Thank you, Jim. I'm very glad to hear you have begun the healing process with your family. At this time, I'd like to offer an apology to you as well. Sometimes my odd sense of humor gets away from me. If any of my comments ever made you uncomfortable, upset you, or triggered you in any way, then I am truly sorry. This whole situation has made many of us stop and think about how we interact with one another. I am very happy that you will create again one day when you are ready. Until then, I remain your patron and virtual friend, - Tammy V.


I feel that you deserve forgiveness, Jim. Though I know some of these words are.... obligation.... I do feel that there is some honesty and emotion in there. I do feel that you are sorry to those that you hurt; that you got a bit wrapped up in some new emotions and made some poor choices. As I'm one of the people that were involved, I feel like I need others to consider: 1) I wasn't innocent in it (and I suspect most others weren't either, though I can't speak to their stories); we're adults that knew what we were doing and sometimes things go a bit awry; 2) If someone involved (though less so than 2 others) can see past hurt/disappointment and realize some of the determining factors here, and then forgive, then hopefully others (at least those uninvolved) can find it in their hearts to do so as well. Or at least- consider it. I was pretty mad at first, but... sh*t happens in adult life and I don't feel taken advantage of. I truly hope the channel can come back from this because I think it would be a shame for such a talent to be kept from the world. I also feel like creativity is very helpful in the healing process (as well as in the lives of creative people that are also driven and busy types) so I would suggest that continuing videos in some capacity could be a good thing for many. Personally I support that idea and I hope others will be able to as well. Hopefully this doesn't come off as 'showy' or 'manipulated' in any way- I'm not always good with words (ASD). I just thought consideration should be given to these points. Wishing the best to all, Rowan Astarte / GentleRayneASMR <3


If I overstep any boundaries , I apologize but I need to give Mrs Jim props for standing by her man. That is a decent and compassionate act which I admire and wish them both the best. 👏♥️


Agree with you! I had made a similar comment, because you just never know how someone will react to things.


Just like those videos of positive affirmations Jim has gifted us with, sending back those precious words and thoughts back to him and his family. We all need to hear that we are worthy of kind words that we may not hear from our own family and friends. Each one of us IS worth it.


Hey Jim mea culpa, mea culpa, mea máxima culpa. The words mean, my fault, my faults, my most grievous faults. No more apologies Jim, it is time to dig up and get out of the hole. Rise like a phoenix and come back with castle walls around your privacy that you and Mrs Jim can live behind. And for those that think it sycophantic, I have enough sin for quite a few of you- so I wont be throwing any stones today.


We all make mistakes Jim, it's how we learn from them that make us who we are. Kindness, love and compassion is the way forward. I wish you truly all the best to you and your family. Your virtual friend Emma 🌻


Everyone makes mistakes myself inculcated I’m sure there is not one person who hasn’t Thank you for reaching out to us I’m am so happy to know you have lots of support behind you and the love and the support from your wife not many people have that Take care of yourself and your wife first This journey will be a very long one take all the time you need to heal I wish you and your wife well


You've already proved to us you can talk the talk, and know exactly how to put good out into the world. Now the work is to make it all true. You are not the exception to the things you say to others. You deserve grace and recovery and the space to do so. I hope you take it. Good luck. Good luck.


To echo some similar sentiments- I’m really glad that you’re receiving help and have support, may this be a journey of healing and growth. All the best to you and your wife, hoping and wishing everyone involved eventually finds some peace. Take all the time and space you need and take care.


It takes immense strength of character to take responsibility the way you’ve done. I think I speak for all of us- we’re proud of you for how you’re handling this and for how you’ve conducted yourself. I do want to add: you've said you deserve this, but you don’t deserve a lot of what happened in this situation. You have a right to keep your dignity. You can be held accountable for your actions and take responsibility for your part in a bad situation while keeping your dignity. I hope you can allow yourself that grace.


I want to be clear that there are large parts of this apology I cannot speak to because they are not in regards to harms done to me. I cannot (and am not trying to) accept or reject an apology that is for someone else. So that leaves me with your apology to me, as a viewer, as one among many. As best I can tell, the harm here maybe comes down to “caused stress and sadness when you were not quite the person I’d hoped.” I bear responsibility for part of that stress and sadness. Even though I’ve tried not to, I’m certain I idealized you to a degree, and I am sorry for this and will try to be more aware of that tendency in myself in the future. I consider the donation of January’s proceeds and a commitment to not repeat your previous behaviour to be more than sufficient amends for the parts of the apology I am qualified to accept. I truly hope you are able to find the healing you need, and I will be here as a viewer when you return.


Still here, still kinda hurt. Still willing to give you a chance, still pretty sure you will neither know nor care. LOL


Still here. Hoping for your "come back". Take your Time.


Thank you for this- was worrying about Mr. and Mrs. Jim- take all the time you need. Those that love you want you and your wife and everyone involved to find healing and their best selves again.


I don't know if you will ever read this but I just wanted to say that, even if I was at first shocked by what happened, (and by that I mean what you did and how something private became public so quickly...), I appreciated the way you handle it. You did the right thing by stepping back and reach out to the concerned people in private. All of this should have stayed private....That's why I am still here and continue to support you. I wish you and your wife the best. And, whenever you're ready to come back, I'll be there to watch your videos.


You and your wife (who sounds wonderful, btw) have been in my thoughts repeatedly over the past week- I hope you are both weathering this particular storm as lovingly- both to your selves and one another- as you can. As odd as it might sound coming from a relative stranger, I care about what's happened to you both and I'm hoping that you come back from this stronger and clearer in whatever ways you need to, because examples of individuals truly facing their errors and demons and coming out the other side are rare indeed in this demented culture. You are appreciated and cared for, regardless of whatever trauma patterns and attachment dysregulations might run amok at times- we all have them unless we've truly worked on them. Thankyou for being so courageous and generous- I told you once before I thought these were qualities of yours, and I still think the same way.


Yay! You uploaded again! Glad you felt that you could return to us! ❤❤❤


So happy to see your new masterpiece on YouTube.


What?? Really??? I'm so there! 😃


Welcome back, Mr Bo Jimbles. 😄


Yay! You're creating again! This latest one is an epic, for sure.

Lindsay Graff

What happened?! What did I miss?