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The Big A - ASMR for ASD (Theory of Mind & It's Okay to Ask for Help - Chaotic ASMR)

#asmr #ASD Hi guys! This video is designed to help people ask for things. Sounds weird, but it’s to do with theory of mind, and the different ways we empathise with one another, as well as ourselves. I hope you enjoy it. Like my content? patreon.com/Jim_ASMR Join me on reddit! r/JimChi_ASMR Follow me on Twitter! @asmr_jim Why not see some pictures of my cats on Insta? Gaijimbo Any additional sound effects from https://www.zapsplat.com Disclaimer: This video is intended for relaxation. Any views, opinions, or advice expressed is purely for the purpose of entertainment, and to induce tingles through ASMR. These videos are not a substitute for traditional medicine, therapy, or any other professional medium, and should not be treated as such! Take all the advice with a pinch of salt, and certainly don’t take it to heart. That being said, please enjoy them, benefit from them, and hopefully get those warm, tingly feelings. Oh, and it’s not for kids.



Yes! The banana shirt is back, Thank you so much Jim, let's see what is in store for us. 👚🍌💙✨


I'm happy to see the return of the banana shirt. This video is just nice and lovely (and needed). Thank you for this. 🍌


Missed that shirt! This was perfect after a busy work week. Thank you!


Hmm. Welp, brb to have a cry about this one after I once again beseech you to get a stimtastic 💚


Jim.... this is so beautiful! I’m so guilty of the same. I take on way too much and then I wonder why I crash! Mostly work-related crap...... 😩 I'm trying to take more time for me... Trying to find me again. Thank you for this heart touching video....😘


It’s so nice to see you wearing your banana shirt again.. This is exactly what I needed at this moment. 💜 thank you Jim. 🙏🏻🤗


Yay, thank you Jim! 🥰 Always happy to see the return of the banana shirt 🍌👋


My thoughts after watching this are just a jumble of adjectives; funny, sad, poignant, silly, kind and heartfelt. I feel like you did a bit of an amalgamation of video suggestions there all tied together with a nod to mental health. Nice job for an enby with monkey brain. I’m always delighted to see the banana shirt and you being you. Nice neck btw 😏🥰❤️🤗🤗🤗


I couldn’t love this more. ☀️❤️☀️ Thank you.


This was so lovely and comforting for today. Thank you so much.


Asking for help? How the fudge does one do that? Why do I see it as a sign of weakness, with weakness being extremely frowned upon in my culture. Why do I feel that asking for help will show a vulnerability that I couldn't possibly allow others to see, as it means that I actually need help? What if asking a person a question directly, especially one that someone adores, will push that person further out of one's already lonely existence? So many questions that don't have answers. Need to think about this for a bit. 💗💗💗


Oh my goodness, your such a thoughtful person, you send good karma vibes out like sparkles on the water and I hope it comes back to you ten fold, we are living in difficult times and a kind voice of reason in a world that doesn't make much sense and I think that's what we all need right now, especially if it come's from an awesome guy in a banana shirt! Good vibes right back at ya magic man! <3




Thank you so much Jim. I was absolutely needing this today. Your banana shirt videos always make me feel safe and


Banana Uniform!!! 😍 Thank you so much Jim! This makes me so happy! You're the best. 🤗


Time to SUIT UP. 🍌 This was really insightful and emotional, and the face touching was absolutely lovely. ✨ Definitely one I’ll be returning to again. Thank you so much.


Thank you.


Awwwwww this is too lovely! What a wonderful human being you are Jim. You give so much to us and I just wish I could give back to you. Make sure to take good care of yourself 🥰


Xoxoxo 🖤🥰💛😘❤️


Really happy to see the "Just pure Jim" version of you again


This lighting is so good for people with migraines, ASD folks with light sensitivity, brain injury, even people with recent eye surgery/trauma. The muted colors and soft motions had me 💆‍♀️


I love these pure Jim ones. :)


You give us so much Jim. Thank you for that. Make sure you are taking care of yourself too ❤


The sweetest of sweet Jim’s 🥰


I'm so glad it's you in all my shadows 😊