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This won't be out for some time, but here are my two parts for an upcoming alienist-inspired collaboration. I was particularly happy with how this came out, so I hope you enjoy it!


Alienist Collab



Thought you were having a break?🙄


Jim, this is beautiful! 🔥❤️🔥


OMG and I forgot my headphones this morning 😭😭😭 My life is over!!! 💀💀💀One of my favorite shows too 🥴 🖤


And, thats for sure, something for me. 👍


So good,so relaxing. I kept falling asleep and I was mad! Haha. Great job as always,☀️Damn metronome!! ☀️ And PLEASE take a day off silly, we worry about ya! ❤️☀️☀️


Thank you! 😊💜


Oh how wonderful!! Gave me a very welcome dose of the warm and fuzzies. I actually am more familiar with the metronome than the stopwatch, to be honest. Thank you for choosing the better, wooden, deeper sounding metronome. The metalic ones and digital ones are a bit too high pitched, and this classical musician heartily thanks you. The rate that you chose reminded me of a particularly difficult Bach piece that I mastered in High School, and listening to that tune in my head while watching you was a real treat indeed. You most definitely didn't have this in mind when you created this absolute masterpiece in your collection of absolute masterpieces, but your words today really assisted in helping me pick myself up, dust myself off, stand tall... well as tall as a hobbit can stand, and battle onwards, arrow piercing my right thoracic space and all. You're completely right, as per always. It will all be ok. I will be ok. All will be ok. All I need to do is keep my chin upwards, march forward, and not give up. Never give up. Never surrender. Thank you, Jim!!! You deserve an OBE for your service to humanity. (virtual hugs)


Very relaxing! Thank you!!


Шикарное видео! Спасибо большое!


Amen sister. He promised then 10 minutes later... this! smh😫


Thanks for the sneak peek, Jim! Working as an accounting clerk/receptionist, I know better than to try and watch this during lunch time. On payday Fridays there are so many people coming and going from my office, you'd think I was working in Grand Central Station. Saving to my watch later. By the way, I saw Crinkleluvin's Raid Shadow Legends video last night and caught your "ad". The iEgg. Was that your idea or hers? Between that and OopsyDaisy's Flobby Wobby I got a serious case of the giggles. Have a great weekend!


Nice cheekbones! I especially loved how you eyes constantly flicked up to the viewer as you were writing during the word association. Eye movements give me tingles too I guess. That searching, evaluating gaze was quite effective. You moving back and forth combined with the metronome was very relaxing, and then the metronome combined with the pocket watch almost made me pass out. I haven't seen the show, do they do these kinds of things on it?


I can tell this is going to be quite the mindbender, I love word games, it keeps the brain alive and awake but your voice is just the cure I need to calm the squirrels, I'll wait patiently because I know this is going to be good :D


This was absolutely brilliant. ❤️✨