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its almost valentines day, can u believe it? and to get us in the mood, i figured why not reminise on some of last years gushy goodness? this t1m set is still one of my favorites, starts so inicient and then BAM- purple c ock action ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) and honmestly whats better than that???

Trust me I have some good stuff in the works for u guysd, mwahaha... but god damn, somethin about thigh fucking realyl gets me going, know what i mean? and being spread for the camera like that... j-jeez, what were we talkin about agaibn?? 




These are all really great, love the floral stockings its so fancy and slutty at the same time

Richard Spiess

Love the rose pattern leggings Mel they look great on you.