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hi guys! im so sorry for the lack of posts here, i got suuuuper behind with some very cool projects but i promise i am ready to get back to it!! i cant wait to show u guys what ive been working on, and ill spend the next few days getting fully caught up, so i appreciate u being patient with me <3 <3 <3 




Oh. No. Punishment is required. Turn around


All good Melly. That's a good pose, butt maybe turn around for a minute?

Ole Vølund Skov Mortensen

stand up, meloldy! God is not punishing for hard work. They'd say that patience is it's own reward. I look forward to see what needed your full attention. The ever growing dedication to your work are guarenteed to pay-off for you as well as your faithfull supporter that you'd not leave without good reason. Love follows you, whereever you may go.


Oh darling, do get up. We love all your work and are happy to wait.