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Hahahaha okokok, what if i shrunk Melware & did some thaaangs to her?? i mean, it would serve her right for doing it TO ME last time, no? o.O

don't get me wrong, i had a good time and it felt really good what she did to me & i wasn't expecting it but i ended up really liking being cradled how i was, it felt very soothing โ๏௰๏ใ ื  all that is dandy but i would like to be on the other end of the shenanigans every once in a while... i wanna be in charge. i wanna be the one who gets melware into hot messes >///< i can be just as nawty as her, you know? ;3  & just so we're clear, this is all hypothetical at this moment lol

anyway, that's besides the point i was trying to make. point is, i noticed that ye ain't seen  **MelxMelware Shrink Ray video and photo set** in a hot minute! i figured, what the heck, it's hot outside, it's been a hot minute since you've seen this joint. it's all cohesive. it fitsssss.  i know some of you are going back to college and those times can always be a bit ruff so lemme relieve some of that stress tomorrow, yeah? :3

**Elite Senpai & higher tiers** get to see tomorrow's release and all previously posted content. Upgrade now to get full access to my spic iest content fully uncen sored (ノಠ益ಠ)ノ彡┻━┻
but it's totally cool if not. i was just letting you in on the coolness & hotness.




You can shrink Melware, but she'd still end up the top


Well you’ve certainly hypothetically raised my interest


Giant Mel? Please, don't awaken a giantess fetish on me...