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these hips don't lie ( ͡~ ͜ʖ ͡°) ive always been a fan of my hips, they feel so grabbable, ya know what i mean? perfect little handrails when ur railin', if u catch my drift. i feel like hips are so under rated as far as se x appeal goes,, what do u think is a part of the body that isnt hyped enough for how hawt it is???



Glasses Character

When it comes to underrated sexy spots, I’ve always been partial to the lower back.

Big PaPa

Melly Belly is best belly!

Vinny L

Thanks Mel! Now I have an urge to listen to Shakira songs again. Not complaining, it’s just been a while since I’ve heard her stuff. Also, you look amazing!

João Gomes

melody shakira MMD is now something I want to see xD


If I had to pick just one underrated place, than where the neck and collarbone meet up. Not sure why, but find that section so very "kissable". Of course every inch of a woman's body is kissable, so very hard to just pick one spot really.


... Shoulders. The slight exposure does a lot in the less is more sense


Can't get enough of thighs honestly


Oh I know what you mean, your hips are very nice and grabbable, gotta love that Melly belly too. As far as appeal, the face is the biggest part for me, if I don't like your face, I'm just not going to be into you much, after all, it's the part you look at the most; and Melly, you've got a great one.


Belly or maybe the back dimples. 🤔🤤


Why are my hips above my ass?


Honestly, the hips is one of the reasons I'm such a butt guy. I don't know what it is about hips swaying, rolling, wiggling and shaking about that's so hypnotic and amazing, but it's got it and it's lovely.


That was one sexy AF outfit, Mel.🔥🥵🥞❤️