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Not all the way irish, just ir-ish, ya feel me? But i would like a lil kiss every now and again. just a lil (• ε •) to get me through the day. What gets you through the day lately? 



Glasses Character

Nice pic, you deserve a little kiss. Honestly with the exception of work my days are filled with all sorts of wonderful things. Watching VODs and knowing I havse fun stuff to do at home help get me through work

Dreamz the Cybericon

A kiss from you sounds like a wonderful gift. And to answer your second question, listening to music or chilling in the discord with the lads🌹✨


I dream of the day I get to kiss a special someone every morning. For now though, lots of porn, cooking, and funny youtube videos 😊


*kisses head* rage and caffeine get me through my days


Very nice pic. Your streams are what get me through after a long day at work


Hanging out in your streams is something I look forward to always <3


Aye~ the luck of the Irish. Feel like I have the luck for many facets of my life. My own resilience, my feeling of purpose to make the world better, and my own cowardice to ever do anything to myself or to not get myself out of harms way. That's what gets me through the day. I don't understand surrendering completely.


I've got some Irish in me, and I can put some in you too 😉 Seeing you, whether it be live streams, pictures, VODs, or other random posts gets me through my days. You always make me smile Mel.


Same. I am told that my family lineage is like a sample platter of European identities, so I suspect that I have one part Irish in me. What gets me through the day for the last year and a half are video games, synthwave and the Vtubing community such as The Science Team. <3


I want to believe this is a George Santos reference because the obscurity of such a reference on a v tubers patreon would make it really funny 😅