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TODAY IS THE DAY, SCIENCE TEAM. The sky is clear. The birds are singing. and My coom ban has been lifted. (ღ˘⌣˘ღ) To celebrate, I'm breaking out the Motor Bunny and with the linked up app. Oh yeah, you get it. We're going to celebrate with a BANG [if u get what i mean]. I'll be streaming this live on my other site at 6pmCT, so make sure you join me to watch the magic happen! and who knows, maybe I'll post the vod here ( ͡° ͜ʖ ͡°)




Please post the vod here. I'm going to be at work and won't be able to watch 😭


Awesome, and also, hot picture! Can we fill the other hole? It's just there, waiting.


YES! can't wait for the video mel.

Michael the Anime Fan

Gonna be 1 am for me so I hope I’ll remember to check in once you start, otherwise I would really appreciate you posting the VOD here.


really hoping for that vod as well 'cause won't be able to join the live ><


Gonna need that vod 👀


Super exciting tuned for a couple minutes was unable to stay I really do hope you post the VOD here!


I missed the stream due to work I hope you had fun Mel


I missed the stream live, but I'm sure you had fun!


That was one powerful stream Melly. "there's no going back..."