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Video games - best solution for ones who can't to leave own room :D
And color version of my very old sketch as reward for Egon DaLatz this time)



Winter Fox

Wow, Vad! This is really good. I don’t remember seeing the old sketch before, but this is very well done. You put so many details into it. The bed covers and clothes with their folds, the patterns, the sketchbook with the race car, the little notes and books, the glowing DUST-MOTES! I don’t mean to fanboy, but you should be proud of this. Great work! I’m sure Egon is thrilled to have this.


Ooo, this is looking really nice. If I remember this right, the game really looks like NFS Hot pursuit or Rivals. Really nice looking

Kyle Cope

Can't tell exactly what game she's playing, but it looks like PS3 era NfS or Test Drive

Natural Aura

This is such an outstanding piece! As Winter Fox already said, there is a lot of details placed into this piece! Really makes you feel at home! I'll go ahead and add that I really love the character concept and expression! I feel that a lot of "gamer girl" pieces are greatly exaggerated. Though this one feels just right, laying in bed in my pjs just on my games and having a good time. Simply wonderful! ^^

Egon DaLatz

I love it 3000! ^^


Is that a poster of a pony version of The Stig on the wall? That's awesome!


There's so much to love in this picture. So many satisfying details and familiar comforts ^_^


Lol that Nic Cage milk though xD Love the level of detail as always ^_^


It was a little joke of my) If you can see on a pack of milk written: "MILK - with tastes of milk" and Nic's mem looks really good here X) Don't know why I did this, just for fun)


Man...Your works are so detailed, it's mind-blowing!


She is too close to the screen, it is not good.