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Hello everyone (Especially to ones who are interested in this kind of art ^^)  
Time for this month's exclusive picture)
And for this time I decided to draw anither canon couple... although... no, don't think this is canon couple, but characters are canon^^
Anyway in my previous posts I already said that unfortunately our show have not much canon couples(
But may be it even is a positive moment cuz characters stays "free" if you understand what I mean))

So, and this time it is Apple Jack + Brae Burn)
+ some people already has suggested me to draw Applejack in past)
Wait a second... I never drew her before? О_о Lol^^
So... this it my first picture with her^^

Attention! No.. Alarm! Danger! 18+ content by the link (not for little children). Be sure you want to see this!

Link to the picture  

And as a little bonus I also drew easy picture with doe character, just for interesting)
I think in future I will draw something more "hard" with this kind of character)

And now I would like to ask one question:
I've been drawing Patreon 'exclusives' for almost a year now and have got questions from anons on multiple occasions, saying:
"when's this going to be released?=3"
"where are you going to release this content? =3"
"can you send that to me once you release this?=3"
and so on.
I know I said that I draw such content exclusively for patreon, but I also understand that the moment I post it here it gets published on other websites almost instantly, which I, sadly, cannot influence.
This whole thing has got me thinking:
Should I keep this artwork exclusive after all?
Which is why I wanted to hear what you guys have to say, here's the question:
What do you think if I publish all of the exclusive artwork that I did for the past year?
And... despite it being against my personal code, would you mind if I also publish my latest exclusive?
I just wanted for it not to look like a taunt, so like, not just dump a whole bunch of 'dust catchers', but also provide something fresh and new^^

I won't do this unless most of you don't mind, so I'm looking forward to hearing your feedback))  
If you give me a positive reply, I'll create a separate Tumblr blog where I'll publish all of that artwork.
High resolution files will still remain Patreon exclusive.
I will also mention that all of that artwork was created with your support) 

P.s. I am sorry for wall of text^^
It is really hard to me to write so big text but it important to me^^




Yes I honestly don't understand when people say that drawing erotic is bad if you don't like the erotic work just ignore it rather than complain that it "ruins every thing" let those who enjoy it enjoy.


Honestly I think you should do what you please with it. The artwork was never really 'exclusive' due to how fast it is leaked. Having it posted on the tumblr sounds like a great idea so everyone can enjoy it!


OMG this picture is so awesome ! <3 Thank you You should do as you feel is best for you. After all, it is your art, you should be the one choosing what to do with it ^^


Looks amazing as always^^! With the "exclusive" content I think the idea with an extra Tumblr for that sounds pretty good but I think you should publish the work 1-2 months after it has been posted here on Patreon, I mean as log as the High Res remains truly Patreon exclusive i'm fine with that.


Personally I don't mind if you release the content elsewhere, I still get to support your great art. And more people get to see your works as well. Also the apples and doe look fantastic!


Applejack's blowjob looks really yummy, love the expressions ~. And your doe has such a nice butt. I really hope you color this sketch because she's so pretty and it would make a nice wallpaper. I think the patreon nsfw should remain exclusive. They just feel special to the patrons


Instead of removing exclusive entirely. Why not just delay release to non-patrons? A week or two early for patrons. This way there would still be incentive to pay for the $10 slot.


I think a separate tumblr blog to post your exclusive art is a great idea! Like you said, you can't really get around people reposting your work, but otherwise, I'd say it's worth it for sure.


Am... i didn't post it anywhere, so I already delay release of this pictures, isn't it?^^ And I don't gonna to removing exclusive entirely, looks like my translation is not correct -___- I just suggest to publish all work for this year. All will works as usual. I will not post any new "Exclusive" on this tumbler instead my Patreon Page.


ur welcome ^_^ I am really happy this you think so, but I also want to consult this moment with you))


At this moment I meant only works of this year, I didn't think about works of new year yet. To be honest I think I will prefer to do one post with all exclusive pictures every year (till my Patreon are alive). But also - I didn't think about it yet But... do one post in year.... it sounds funny. Maybe I will not create a tumblr


Oh my, your words make me feel warm, thank you very much, it is really happy to hear and it means a lot to me ^_^


I see. I don't sure yet, but at this moment I think about to post all pictures of this year like a gift X) And I think to do this in end of every year but I don't sure yet... Create a Tumbler for one post per year... sounds funny... But I still think about it.


Thank you ^_^ What is about doe - I think I Will to draw another picture with her, something more interesting) "I think the patreon nsfw should remain exclusive." - Okay, I took it into account)


One more moment why I want to open works of this year is Example. I mean that i didn't draw any NSFW works for publish and so this opened works could be a nice examples of work I do for Patreon)


Oh my word, Applejack and Braeburn, so awesome! 🌟 The only thing that world make it better for me would be replacing Applejack with Big Mac or Soarin'. With regards to your question, most other creators I support do release their content to non-patrons. So, it does not really make a difference to me - whether you make it public or not I will still support you. I feel like I contribute to the gorgeous work that you do and am happy for you to be rewarded with maximum exposure. 👍

Skittle Cuddler

Love the art yakov! I think as far as releasing stuff you should do it when you want to, but keeping the High resolutions on patreon is definitely a good thing.


Unfortunately it is already deep night at here and I really want to sleep^^ I will read remained comments and answer at morning. I think I also will do some explanations cuz looks like my translation wasn't correct enough /)_(\ I am really bad thinking at night /)_(\

Todd Diesel

I think you should keep it at Patreon, for the simple fact that if released to those that don't pay for it, people can just wait and not support for the art. You will always have people that donate on Patreon regardless, but if people can get it for free, what's the incentive?


If you release it, you'll be rewarding people for behaving very badly... and they will be encouraged to treat other artists at least as poorly. The people who are complaining at you are not going to stop complaining if you teach them that being hostile is the way to get what they want. Now, if you want to do NSFW pieces for everyone, that's great! But there needs to be incentives for people to support you financially, and one of the most important is that people believe you will actually do what you have said you will do.


I won't be one to complain about releases to the public, going to remain supporting regardless the exclusivity or not ^^


i'd be fine with releasing older works.


I've seen most artists just keep the patreon art exclusive for a month (or two or three). A year is a long time to hold onto it. I'm fine with whatever you decide as long as there's some small windows of time where the art stays exclusive to here.


You are absolutely right, and I understand what you mean) To be honest thats why I also didn't think I will post it in the future, I never was gonna do it at least. But I also heard from people that they didn't know what NSFW content I draw cuz I nowhere post it, and so my akt could to be an example of my work. "people can just wait and not support for the art" - To be honest I think if people don't want to support - thay will not support. And if they love the work I do - they can to support, no matter have I exclusives or not. But I repeat - I really agree with your thoughts too)


Hm... yes, I think you are right "one of the most important is that people believe you will actually do what you have said you will do." - Of course I understand, it is self-evident fact) But I didn't said I will not to do what I promised to do. I will do all as usual, and at this moment I saying only about my old works. Of course any new exclusives will be exclusive)


yep, I also saw this) But I most of them do NSFW as base, and posting this exclusives as additional. In my case I didn't mean that I want to do the so cuz one post per month... It is just funny, this Tumblr will be stillborn. I thought just about single publication by pack. I think I even don't need Tumbler for it. One Derpibooru will be enough)


Your pictures are amazing. You are one of my favorite authors. It would be a shame if you did not continue to paint erotic pictures of this type because they are absolutely amazing. I also do not think they should be released free. I am very happy to pay for the wonderful things. It's mainly about whether you like it, painting this kind of pictures, or that you're creating it just because of the general interest.

Crimson Flare

"And as a little bonus I also drew easy picture with doe character, just for interesting) I think in future I will draw something more hard with this kind of character)" >The link to the bonus picture is broken.