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Hello everyone)
I just wanted to draw another quick landscape, but recently I revisited one of the movies from my childhood - Bambi, and decided to draw him, because why not))

I experienced many nostalgic feelings... oh my, I remember at that time I didn't even know how to use a tape recorder X) 

Tape recorder... interesting, does any of you actually remember what that is at this point? X)  

Anyway, fun fact, I didn't even know that movie had a sequel up until just a week ago XD
I was very surprised at this and, of course, watched it too))
Well, I want to revisit every single movie from my childhood now >w< 




Уииии чудесный Бемби ^__^ &lt;3


I still have the VHS tape of those old Disney movies back at my home


Super cute Bambi! I love the colors so much


Wow, really? Unfortunately I don't have, but any thoughts about that time brings me warm memories)


Ух ты, неожиданно видеть тебя у себя в каментах, прям сюрприз)) Спасибо большое пребольшое, очень приятно слышать ^w^


What a beautiful scene! It’s surprising how often Disney includes Bambi in their other movies though. Like when the hunter killls Bambis mom is also in The Sword in the Stone.


Lots of classic Disney movies have sequels


Awww this is SO Cute! ^w^


Awww, adorable^^ And Sirzi inspired you :D Some day, I have to watch the disney movies as an adult D: A few years ago, though, when I wanted to buy a bunch of them.. I noticed they only release them once every 5 or 7 years.. which is a really weird business decision. :\ Tape recorder? This got weird when I tried to describe a scientific instrument as "working like a turntable", just to realize that my audience probably has never seen one up close :D


Beautiful as usual, I also remember this film as a child. Now I think I would like to see it animated in your art style!


omg the memories the moments the tears. ohhh all the feeling hitting me back. my fav was the second one the one with the bond between father and son. sad for the first for the lost of the mother xC. but amazing work the colours so vibrant and the background superb